Hello dear members,

I just hope you can read everything I write here I use a translator.

I am using Windows 7 with Office Home and busniness 2010 Sorry, I have constantly problems with syncing.

Oxtender 2 V7.2.19.749

I have two computers on both a different error message.

computer one

---- Sync State ----

Error detecting changed messages (SST_POLL)

---- Message ----

F�r diesen Befehl ist nicht gen�gend Speicher verf�gbar. (0x80070008)

---- Location ----

---- Details ----

---- Error Object ----

"code": 2147942408,
"code_hex": "0x80070008",
"code_description": "F\uFFFDr diesen Befehl ist nicht gen\uFFFDgend Speicher verf\uFFFDgbar.\r\n",
"state": 6,
"state_description": "SST_POLL",
"func": "/usm-json/ping?id=a70bf356-215d-4ec4-9bac-2d318a7d04ed_52220775_5",
"sessionid": "a70bf356-215d-4ec4-9bac-2d318a7d04ed_52220775_5"

here the log file

Okay and her is the nex Computer Error (PC two)

---- Sync State ----

Error detecting changed messages (SST_POLL)

---- Message ----

Im Support des sicheren Channels ist ein Fehler aufgetreten (0x80072f7d)

---- Location ----

---- Details ----

---- Error Object ----

"code": 2147954557,
"code_hex": "0x80072f7d",
"code_description": "Im Support des sicheren Channels ist ein Fehler aufgetreten\r\n",
"state": 6,
"state_description": "SST_POLL",
"func": "/usm-json/ping?id=e3f165a6-140e-4e8c-abbe-4c066b6af188_54017823_2946",
"sessionid": "e3f165a6-140e-4e8c-abbe-4c066b6af188_54017823_2946"

here are the logfile

please help me I am desperate because of the mistake .. this appears repeatedly after an indeterminate time.
I use Kaspersky Internet sec 2016 I have this already disabled because I thought it would get away.

Best regards