Posted on the 14th of November - no activation of the post by a moderator yet. Therefore I'll post this as a new thread. Hope a moderator will move it into the right thread.



First of all thank you for your reply and infos about the required versions!

Originally posted by hbwinther View Post
This means that Z-Push-OX requires Z-Push-2 2.1.0 or higher
I updated the Z-Push Version to 2.1.0 accordingly.

Originally posted by hbwinther View Post
As there are no log entries my guess would be that you set up your Z-Push-2 instance without SSL. Some ActiveSync clients require SSL. Could this be the problem at hand? Please try to increase the log level in the Z-Push-2 config to webxml ("LOGLEVEL_WBXML").
At that point, I already set the log level to "LOGLEVEL_WBXML" but there wasn't any log-entry. Anyway I got it to work properly. The problem was the "https"-setting in the config file of Z-Push:

As you mentioned on your project-website, you can set your domain with "https" or "http":

define('BACKEND_PROVIDER', "BackendOX");
define('OX_SERVER', 'https://your.server'); //http is also valid
If I set my domain here with https, I got the following error while connection to "https://your.server/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync":

Unable to connect to ssl://your.server:443. Error: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl://your.server:443 (Unknown error)
stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto
stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
At this point I have to mention that I used an self signed SSL-certificate first, but got a approved SSL-certificate from my provider afterwards. But this didn't solve the problem. I also tried to set the path and owner of the certificate inside the config.php of Z-Push which did not solve it likewise.

After changing the setting to http:
define('BACKEND_PROVIDER', "BackendOX");
define('OX_SERVER', 'http://your.server');
the error was gone and I got the message:
[B]GET not supported[/B]
This is the Z-Push location and can only be accessed by Microsoft ActiveSync-capable devices
which seems to be correct. So after using the correct version of Z-Push (2.1.0) and just using "http" in the config.php-file, it worked perfectly on the Blackberry device with AstraSync as well as Notifysync. Allthough, I am using the SSL (with a signed certificate) with the Blackberry device, it is just the setting in the config.php which caused the sync (and logs) to refuse.

A few words to the sync itself:

I am currently using Notifysync for the Blackberry since AstraSync didn't support multiple folders. Notifysync does sync all the contact-folders as well as sub-calenders. It is fast and almost in realtime - nice!

A few data fields were not synced though:

- field "description" of a calendar event
- attendants of a calendar event
- contact pictures (you already mentioned that it is not implemented yet)
- Birthdays: If I add a birthday with the Blackberry device, it appears as a never ending appointment in the calender showing up on every day in the OpenXchange webinterface.
- Tasks are not implemented yet (would be nice though )

I didn't try the Android device again. As you mentioned, the ActiveSync client seems to be outdated on such devices. So I'm just using it on the Blackberry device.
Thats it for the moment. I will keep you updated about my experience with the software.

Thank you for your work!
