Added command-line tool includestacktrace to set whether to include stack trace information (if any) in HTTP-API JSON responses for a certain user
includestacktrace [-e | -d] [-u <userid>] [-c <contextid>] [-h]
-c,--context <arg> The context id for which to enable logging
-d,--disable Flag to disable to include stack traces in HTTP-API JSON responses
-e,--enable Flag to enable to include stack traces in HTTP-API JSON responses
-h,--help Print usage of the command line tool
-u,--user <arg> The user id for which to enable logging
The flags -e and -d are mutually exclusive.
Including stack trace information successfully enabled|disabled for user <user-id> in context <context-id>
Documentation available at: cludestacktrace_.28since_v.
includestacktrace [-e | -d] [-u <userid>] [-c <contextid>] [-h]
-c,--context <arg> The context id for which to enable logging
-d,--disable Flag to disable to include stack traces in HTTP-API JSON responses
-e,--enable Flag to enable to include stack traces in HTTP-API JSON responses
-h,--help Print usage of the command line tool
-u,--user <arg> The user id for which to enable logging
The flags -e and -d are mutually exclusive.
Including stack trace information successfully enabled|disabled for user <user-id> in context <context-id>
Documentation available at: cludestacktrace_.28since_v.