Open-Xchange Server 6 (SP4) Released
This is the Release of Open-Xchange Server, Service Pack 4. This Service Pack includes new versions of
If you experience any misbehavior, please report bugs via our public Bugzilla:
Shipped Packages and Version
Open-Xchange Server 6 (OX6)
Version: Build 6610 (2008-09-26)
The build number is the same for the groupware server and the groupware GUI.
When reporting bugs, please make sure to include this build number in your bugreport.
The build number can be found
a) in the Login dialog
b) in the About dialog (Question icon in the upper right -> About)
OXtender for MS Outlook
Version: v6.2.0.14
The version number can be found
a) in the splash screen when starting Outlook
b) Extras -> OXtender for MS Outlook -> About
When reporting bugs, please include this version number in your bug report.
Complete Release Notes:
Download and Installation instructions
This is the Release of Open-Xchange Server, Service Pack 4. This Service Pack includes new versions of
- Open-Xchange Server 6 (OX6), the common basis for the products OX HE (Hosting Edition) and OX SE (Server Edition), and the
- OXtender for Microsoft Outlook.
If you experience any misbehavior, please report bugs via our public Bugzilla:
Shipped Packages and Version
Open-Xchange Server 6 (OX6)
Version: Build 6610 (2008-09-26)
The build number is the same for the groupware server and the groupware GUI.
When reporting bugs, please make sure to include this build number in your bugreport.
The build number can be found
a) in the Login dialog
b) in the About dialog (Question icon in the upper right -> About)
OXtender for MS Outlook
Version: v6.2.0.14
The version number can be found
a) in the splash screen when starting Outlook
b) Extras -> OXtender for MS Outlook -> About
When reporting bugs, please include this version number in your bug report.
Complete Release Notes:
Download and Installation instructions