Today Open-Xchange releases Open-Xchange Server v6.20.7. This update includes new versions of:
- Open-Xchange Server 6 (OX6), the common basis for OX HE (Hosting Edition), OX SE (Server Edition), OX ASE (Advanced Server Edition) and OX SE for UCS (Server Edition for Univention Corporate Server.
This release provides improvements to the user interface like CalDAV access via Thunderbird/Lightning and bug fixes. A detailed description of all new features can be seen at
Shipped packages and versions:
Open-Xchange Server 6
Version: v6.20.7 Rev 2 (built 2012-08-24/27)
The version number is the same for the groupware server and the groupware front-end.
When reporting bugs please make sure to include this version number in your bug report.
The version number can be found in:
a) The Login dialog
b) The about dialog (Question mark icon in the upper right -> About)
OXtender 2 for Microsoft Outlook
Version: 7.0.56
When reporting bugs, please include the version number in your bug report. The version number can be found in:
a) The splash screen when starting Outlook
b) Extras -> OXtender for MS Outlook -> About
Complete Release Notes:
Update to Open-Xchange v6.20.7:
The system can be updated as usual for UCS using the univention-updater net command or the UMC module Online Update.
- Please enter your username/password first under the component called „OX" and activate it.
- The new update is provided in the online-updates module of UMC, under Release information.
- Click on "Install this update"
- Reboot