wir haben mal wieder testweise bei einem neuen Mitarbeiter den OXTender2 installiert: Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Office 2007 SP3 und OXTender2 7.0.49. Heute morgen waren keine eMails im Outlook Posteingang zu finden. Webmail und Thunderbird haben aber neue eMails angezeigt. Server ist OXASE Version : 6.20.3 Rev2 (2012-04-23 08:10:36).
Im OXTender2 stand bei Syncproblemen Error 503 ... nachdem ich von den neuen eMails alle gelöscht habe, die größer 5MB waren, hat der Sync auch wieder funktioniert. Für micht scheint also irgendwo eine 5MB Grenze konfiguriert zu sein (4,9MB werden gesynct)?
Ist das die max. eMail Größe? Wo kann ich das umstellen, daß beliebig grosse eMails gesynct werden?
/opt/open-xchange/etc/groupware/usm_json.properties hat folgenden Inhalt:
wir haben mal wieder testweise bei einem neuen Mitarbeiter den OXTender2 installiert: Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Office 2007 SP3 und OXTender2 7.0.49. Heute morgen waren keine eMails im Outlook Posteingang zu finden. Webmail und Thunderbird haben aber neue eMails angezeigt. Server ist OXASE Version : 6.20.3 Rev2 (2012-04-23 08:10:36).
Im OXTender2 stand bei Syncproblemen Error 503 ... nachdem ich von den neuen eMails alle gelöscht habe, die größer 5MB waren, hat der Sync auch wieder funktioniert. Für micht scheint also irgendwo eine 5MB Grenze konfiguriert zu sein (4,9MB werden gesynct)?
Ist das die max. eMail Größe? Wo kann ich das umstellen, daß beliebig grosse eMails gesynct werden?
/opt/open-xchange/etc/groupware/usm_json.properties hat folgenden Inhalt:
# Configuration file for USM-JSON-API
# Unless otherwise specified, the given values also represent the default values for the properties
# Defines the webserver path under which the JSON servlet registers itself. (default: /usm-json)
# Defines minimum wait delay in ms. until next ping that is returned by server (default: 5000)
# Defines the maximum wait delay in ms. until next ping that is returned by server (default: 360000)
# Defines the no. of ping requests that should not be exceeded, the server will increse the returned delay from min upto max to stay within this limit at average
com.openexchange.usm.json.ping.max_requests_per_se cond=1000
# Defines a hard limit on syncInit and syncUpdate that will never be exceeded by server replies regardless of client parameters.
# The limit will be respected even if the client sent no limit. A value of <=0 means no hard limit (default: 0)
# Defines a limit in bytes of accumulated email sizes that may be transmitted from the server to client in 1 syncInit/syncUpdate call
# This limit is in addition to the object count limit and any optional limit provided by clients. Only whole emails are synced and at least
# 1 email will be transmitted (unless the client specified a limit of 0 objects to transmit), default is 2 MByte.
com.openexchange.usm.json.sync.limit.email_size=21 47483647
# Defines a limit regarding the number of attachments that will be transmitted in 1 syncInit/syncUpdate. Note that for this
# limit only main objects of appointment series are counted (exceptions to a series will be always transmitted). At least 1
# PIM object will be reported even if this contains more attachments than specified in the limit, default value is 5 attachments
com.openexchange.usm.json.sync.limit.pim_attachmen t_count=5
# If this property is true, unknown UUIDs sent from clients for changes/deletions will cause the sync to abort (with WRONG_MISSING_PARAMETERS),
# if it is false, the sync will continue and and error will be reported for the object(s) that wasn't found.
com.openexchange.usm.json.sync.fatal_uuid_errors=f alse
# Defines the lower time filter limit in days.
# Appointments and mails which are in the past beyond this limit will not be synchronised from/to the client.
# Setting the limit to a value <= 0 disables the filter, all old objects will be synchronized
com.openexchange.usm.json.sync.timefilter_limit_pa st=0
# Defines the upper time filter limit in days.
# Appointments and mails which are in the future beyond this limit will not be synchronised from/to the client.
# Setting the limit to a value <= 0 disables the filter, all objects in the future will be synchronized
com.openexchange.usm.json.sync.timefilter_limit_fu ture=0
# Defines the interval after which usm should poll the inbox if no changes have arrived.
com.openexchange.usm.json.sync.inbox_polling_inter val=60000
# Unless otherwise specified, the given values also represent the default values for the properties
# Defines the webserver path under which the JSON servlet registers itself. (default: /usm-json)
# Defines minimum wait delay in ms. until next ping that is returned by server (default: 5000)
# Defines the maximum wait delay in ms. until next ping that is returned by server (default: 360000)
# Defines the no. of ping requests that should not be exceeded, the server will increse the returned delay from min upto max to stay within this limit at average
com.openexchange.usm.json.ping.max_requests_per_se cond=1000
# Defines a hard limit on syncInit and syncUpdate that will never be exceeded by server replies regardless of client parameters.
# The limit will be respected even if the client sent no limit. A value of <=0 means no hard limit (default: 0)
# Defines a limit in bytes of accumulated email sizes that may be transmitted from the server to client in 1 syncInit/syncUpdate call
# This limit is in addition to the object count limit and any optional limit provided by clients. Only whole emails are synced and at least
# 1 email will be transmitted (unless the client specified a limit of 0 objects to transmit), default is 2 MByte.
com.openexchange.usm.json.sync.limit.email_size=21 47483647
# Defines a limit regarding the number of attachments that will be transmitted in 1 syncInit/syncUpdate. Note that for this
# limit only main objects of appointment series are counted (exceptions to a series will be always transmitted). At least 1
# PIM object will be reported even if this contains more attachments than specified in the limit, default value is 5 attachments
com.openexchange.usm.json.sync.limit.pim_attachmen t_count=5
# If this property is true, unknown UUIDs sent from clients for changes/deletions will cause the sync to abort (with WRONG_MISSING_PARAMETERS),
# if it is false, the sync will continue and and error will be reported for the object(s) that wasn't found.
com.openexchange.usm.json.sync.fatal_uuid_errors=f alse
# Defines the lower time filter limit in days.
# Appointments and mails which are in the past beyond this limit will not be synchronised from/to the client.
# Setting the limit to a value <= 0 disables the filter, all old objects will be synchronized
com.openexchange.usm.json.sync.timefilter_limit_pa st=0
# Defines the upper time filter limit in days.
# Appointments and mails which are in the future beyond this limit will not be synchronised from/to the client.
# Setting the limit to a value <= 0 disables the filter, all objects in the future will be synchronized
com.openexchange.usm.json.sync.timefilter_limit_fu ture=0
# Defines the interval after which usm should poll the inbox if no changes have arrived.
com.openexchange.usm.json.sync.inbox_polling_inter val=60000