Hi all,
I have changed from a standard Exchange environment to a hosted Open-XChange environment.
Using Outlook 2013 with OXtender 7.0.66.
I used Uploader to import my old exchange mailbox to the new environment.
When I start my Outlook I get tons of messages like this:
For me this message is not understandable. Because it's clear that some message have exchange style email addresse and theses addresses are not in standard internet email format. As you can see in the screenshot I can IGNORE this message. But this is very annoying, because these message came up in tons and I cannot work with outlook during that time.
Do you have any suggestions how to stop this?
I have changed from a standard Exchange environment to a hosted Open-XChange environment.
Using Outlook 2013 with OXtender 7.0.66.
I used Uploader to import my old exchange mailbox to the new environment.
When I start my Outlook I get tons of messages like this:
---- Sync State ---- Error exporting folder contents (SST_FOLDERCONTENTS_EXPORT) ---- Message ---- Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse /O=HQ/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=IKUNDRUHN@local ---- Location ---- Ordner: /priv/weidauer ---- Details ---- AW: Daten: OX server returned error (0x00610120): Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse /O=HQ/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=IKUNDRUHN@local (MSG-1008, 1254052871-900911) ---- Error Object ---- { "code": 2148339713, "code_hex": "0x800d1001", "code_description": "USM error: normal reply, errors returned", "state": 15, "state_description": "SST_FOLDERCONTENTS_EXPORT", "folder": { "path": "/priv/weidauer", "entryid": "000000003988dd58146e604f98df6c51e1f40189402a2a40493d938346b3b642b8887b18214a31cf232a2a2301030000", "uuid": "83933d49-b346-42b6-b888-7b18214a31cf" }, "errors": { "4580397d-bbfd-4a00-8acd-3364c0e2eeac": { "oxError": { "error": "Ung\u00C3\u00BCltige E-Mail-Adresse /O=HQ/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=IKUNDRUHN@local", "error_params": [ "/O=HQ/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=IKUNDRUHN@local" ], "error_id": "1254052871-900911", "code": "MSG-1008", "category": 1, "hard_conflict": false, "participants": null, "confirmations": null, "id": null, "folder_id": null, "start_date": null, "end_date": null, "title": null, "created_by": null }, "data": { "headers": { "content-type": { "type": "multipart/mixed" }, "subject": "SERVER INFO: Error on reading email" }, "body": [ { "headers": { "content-type": { "params": { "charset": "UTF-8" }, "type": "text/plain" } }, "body": { "id": "1.1", "data": "OX server returned error: {\"category\":8,\"error\":\"Auf dem Open-Xchange Server trat ein vor\u00C3\u00BCbergehender Fehler auf. Die Anfrage konnte nicht verarbeitet werden. \",\"error_params\":[\"id\"],\"error_id\":\"1254052871-900914\",\"categories\":\"ERROR\",\"code\":\"SVL-0002\"}" } } ], "folder_id": "default0/priv.weidauer", "flags": 32, "uuid": "4580397d-bbfd-4a00-8acd-3364c0e2eeac", "objectType": "mail" }, "errorMessage": "OX server returned error", "errorCode": 6357280, "errorStatus": 6, "errorDetails": { "category": 1, "error": "Ung\u00C3\u00BCltige E-Mail-Adresse /O=HQ/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=IKUNDRUHN@local", "error_params": [ "/O=HQ/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=IKUNDRUHN@local" ], "error_id": "1254052871-900911", "categories": "USER_INPUT", "code": "MSG-1008" } } }, "last_usm_call": { "func": "/usm-json/syncUpdate?id=c511100f-5b67-4da1-b66a-23076ada5433_11238954_4", "argument": { "folderid": "83933d49-b346-42b6-b888-7b18214a31cf", "syncid": 1381911333601, "limit": 0, "created": [ { "uuid": "4580397d-bbfd-4a00-8acd-3364c0e2eeac", "received_date": { "utc": 1337848410423 }, "body": [ { "headers": { "content-transfer-encoding": "base64", "content-type": { "type": "application/x-pkcs7-mime", "params": { "name": "smime.p7m" } }, "content-disposition": { "type": "attachment", "params": { "filename": "smime.p7m" } } }, "body": { } } ], "flags": 32, "headers": { "x-original-headers": "=", "date": { "utc": 1337848410000 }, "message-id": "\u003CF9CE43C8BC4D61468B84542F51DB4B5B361C585612@cose0102.HQ.local>", "in-reply-to": "\u003CF9CE43C8BC4D61468B84542F51DB4B5B361C54F830@cose0102.HQ.local>", "references": "\u003CF9CE43C8BC4D61468B84542F51DB4B5B361C54F830@cose0102.HQ.local>", "subject": "AW: Daten", "thread-topic": "Daten", "thread-index": "Ac05hoWQHPUE3QLfRyijvBtlR1kI3QAASVxA", "from": [ { "address": "/O=HQ/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=IKUNDRUHN@local", "personal": "Irene Kundruhn" } ], "importance": "normal", "priority": "normal", "to": [ { "address": "/O=HQ/OU=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=Thorsten.Dombach@local", "personal": "Thorsten Dombach" } ], "content-type": { "type": "multipart/mixed" }, "received_date": null, "keywords": null, "return-receipt-to": null, "disposition-notification-to": null, "reply-to": null, "sender": null, "sensitivity": null, "x-autoforwarded": null, "cc": null, "bcc": null } } ], "sessionid": "c511100f-5b67-4da1-b66a-23076ada5433_11238954_4" }, "reply": { "status": 1, "data": { "errors": { "4580397d-bbfd-4a00-8acd-3364c0e2eeac": { "errorMessage": "OX server returned error", "oxError": { "category": 1, "error": "Ung\u00C3\u00BCltige E-Mail-Adresse /O=HQ/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=IKUNDRUHN@local", "error_params": [ "/O=HQ/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=IKUNDRUHN@local" ], "error_id": "1254052871-900911", "categories": "USER_INPUT", "code": "MSG-1008" }, "errorDetails": { "category": 1, "error": "Ung\u00C3\u00BCltige E-Mail-Adresse /O=HQ/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=IKUNDRUHN@local", "error_params": [ "/O=HQ/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=IKUNDRUHN@local" ], "error_id": "1254052871-900911", "categories": "USER_INPUT", "code": "MSG-1008" }, "errorCode": 6357280, "data": { "headers": { "content-type": { "type": "multipart/mixed" }, "subject": "SERVER INFO: Error on reading email" }, "body": [ { "headers": { "content-type": { "params": { "charset": "UTF-8" }, "type": "text/plain" } }, "body": { "id": "1.1", "data": "OX server returned error: {\"category\":8,\"error\":\"Auf dem Open-Xchange Server trat ein vor\u00C3\u00BCbergehender Fehler auf. Die Anfrage konnte nicht verarbeitet werden. \",\"error_params\":[\"id\"],\"error_id\":\"1254052871-900914\",\"categories\":\"ERROR\",\"code\":\"SVL-0002\"}" } } ], "folder_id": "default0/priv.weidauer", "flags": 32, "uuid": "4580397d-bbfd-4a00-8acd-3364c0e2eeac", "objectType": "mail" }, "errorStatus": 6 } }, "syncid": 1381911333601 }, "errorCode": 0, "errorMessage": null, "errorDetails": null, "oxError": null } } }
For me this message is not understandable. Because it's clear that some message have exchange style email addresse and theses addresses are not in standard internet email format. As you can see in the screenshot I can IGNORE this message. But this is very annoying, because these message came up in tons and I cannot work with outlook during that time.
Do you have any suggestions how to stop this?