I have installed fiew days ago an own oXchange server for private using. I want to share my calender, tasks and so on with other persons by using Outlook 2007 client.
Now what my question is: Everywhere I read, that I need a license to install / activate this feature.
1) Do I have to buy a licnense although I am using it as private user (not business)
2) Do I have to install also a Server component in order to be able to use oXtender?
Thanks a lot for your help in before!
I have installed fiew days ago an own oXchange server for private using. I want to share my calender, tasks and so on with other persons by using Outlook 2007 client.
Now what my question is: Everywhere I read, that I need a license to install / activate this feature.
1) Do I have to buy a licnense although I am using it as private user (not business)
2) Do I have to install also a Server component in order to be able to use oXtender?
Thanks a lot for your help in before!