Title: Introducing OX App Suite and OX Text
Date: Wednesday, May 22
Time: 8 am CEST / 10 am MSK (Moscow) / 2 pm CST (Beijing) / 3 pm JST (Tokyo)/
4 pm AEST (Sydney)
Featured Speaker: Mike Ganson, Product Marketing
Open-Xchange just recently released OX App Suite, a groundbreaking messaging and collaboration product, together with OX Text, a revolutionary in-browser word processing tool. This webinar is targeted to end users that look for an alternative to standard desktop software as well as for hosters, service providers and system integrators that look for a communication and collaboration software for their SMB and enterprise customers that is designed for the mobile-app economy.
Mike Ganson will share a 30 minute online presentation of OX App Suite and OX Text demonstrating the user benefis and unique functionality, followed by Q&A. Key take-aways include:
- Easy to use, responsive user interface
- All emails, contacts and tasks in one place
- Integration of multiple external email accounts
- Flexible access from any device
- Integration of social media – LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, XING
- In-browser editing of Microsoft Word .docx files and OpenOffice .odt files
- Centralized document sharing with version control
- Publishing contact folders or any type of files for collaboration with external users
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To participate in this webinar, please register at http://oxnews.co/q