Open-Xchange announces new ISV Partner Product - Fortnox for OX App Suite

Open-Xchange is pleased to announce the availability of the ISV Product for OX App Suite - Fortnox for OX App Suite.

As part of a cooperation between Open-Xchange and Fortnox, an integrated version of Fortnox business software has been developed for OX App Suite communications software.

With the combination of OX App Suite and Fortnox, small and medium sized businesses now get a product which not only handles user emails, contacts, appointments and documents but also allows them to manage business processes from within OX App Suite.

With Fortnox, the modules Accounting, Quotes, Invoicing, Document Archiving, Time Management, and Purchasing become available to use as add-ons in OX App Suite. Both, OX App Suite and Fortnox, run directly in the browser and are thus usable without installation on any PC, tablet or smartphone.

Integration inside OX App Suite

Fortnox is an online business software for small businesses, freelancers and start-ups. Fortnox, with Swedish roots, is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of cloud business software. Fortnox in conjunction with the Open-Xchange has developed a user-friendly, all-in-one solution and is the perfect combination of Office and Business Applications for every business situation. Whether you would like to send emails, write a business letter, create an invoice or do your accounting, all applications are in the same place and accessible to every user via a browser login. All programs are fully compatible and integrated and can be combined to suit every business's needs.

Pricing, Availability and Support

Fortnox extension for Open-Xchange App Suite is provided by Fortnox. Further information about the new produced extension can be found at