This patch release provides an update for OX App Suite v7.10.6 and OX Guard v2.10.7. We encourage administrators to install this update. The security update is available for all customers.
Shipped Packages and Version:
- Open-Xchange App Suite Middleware (Backend) v7.10.6-rev62
- Open-Xchange App Suite Frontend v7.10.6-rev43
- Open-Xchange App Suite Documentconverter API v7.10.6-rev7
- Open-Xchange App Suite Documentconverter v7.10.6-rev12
- Open-Xchange App Suite Imageconverter v7.10.6-rev9
- Open-Xchange Mobile API Facade v1.14.6-rev1
- Open-Xchange Guard v2.10.7-rev12
- Google has officially announced the deprecation of the existing HTTP API for sending push notifications via Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), effective from June 20, 2023, with plans to shut it down on June 21, 2024. As a replacement, a new FCM API, known as "v1," has been introduced. More information regarding migration is provided at:
- OX App Suite v7.10.6:
More information regarding Open-Xchange Security Patch Releases is provided at: