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Remove "Add mail account" appeared since 7.6.1

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  • Arexx
    I want to use this feature but didn't work at all. I add a mail account with securepop and smtp but nothing happen. If I test it again I got this message.

    com.openexchange.exception.OXException: ACC-0015 Categories=USER_INPUT Message='Found two mail accounts with same E-Mail address for user 14 in context 1.' exceptionID=-1642966509-128
    I didnt found a way to clean up the user to make a new tests....

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  • damien57
    It's a BUG

    The OX Team make the fix with the 7.6.2.

    In the roadmap, the date for the 7.6.2 it's March 2015 (Q1 2015)

    Title: Revoke "multiple email-accounts" right does not remove the link "Add mail account" in the UI
    Root cause: Missing capability check for "multiple_mail_accounts"
    Solution: Added that check
    Resolved state: Fix
    Version: 7.6.2-0
    Git commit: 0ad9811d5ffe3e0000a6af75dd8ac7466e20806c
    Git repository: wd/frontend/web
    Git branch: release-7.6.2
    Package name: open-xchange-appsuite

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  • KeepXtreme
    same here. The funny about it is: If you try to add it via Settings -> Accounts -> Add Account no "add mail account" eq is shown

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  • damien57
    Hi pro-ite (sorry for use your username, I don't see your first name),

    I've try the 2 methods:

    - First test: revoke the right for my user "damien":
    root@owa /opt/open-xchange/etc # changeuser -c 1 -A robot -P *** -u damien --access-multiple-mail-accounts off
    user damien in context 1 changed
    I've restart OX after the command, but the link "Add mail account" it's alway here.

    - Second test: apply again the access-combination
    => I've remove "multiplemailaccounts"
    root@owa /opt/open-xchange/etc # cat | grep "all="
    all=webmail,calendar,contacts,infostore,tasks,webd av,webdavxml,ical,vcard,syncml,usm,olox20,activesy nc,readcreatesharedfolders,delegatetask,editpublic folders,editgroup,editresource,editpassword,public foldereditable,collectemailaddresses,subscription, publication
    => I've apply again the combination for my user "damien"
    root@owa /opt/open-xchange/etc # changeuser -c 1 -A robot -P *** -u damien --access-combination-name all
    user damien in context 1 changed
    And after OX restart, the the link "Add mail account" it's alway here.

    Yep I'm sure at 100% the link was not present in the 7.6.0

    Thanks pro-ite and Wolfgang for your help,


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  • Wolfgang Rosenauer
    I'm a bit worried when you say that you see that since 7.6.1. It's been there for ages.

    In case you don't have multiple-mail rights for your user but still see the option, please let us know.

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  • pro-ite
    Hi Damien,

    it's a nice feature to offer users all options without searching in settings or manuals, I like that.
    The easiest way should be removing the access-right for this user with changeuser script, set
    --access-multiple-mail-accounts off
    To disable it generally try this: edit the module rights defined in and reload the groupware.

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  • damien57
    started a topic Remove "Add mail account" appeared since 7.6.1

    Remove "Add mail account" appeared since 7.6.1


    Since the last 7.6.1 I've a new "menu" in mail tab:
    "Add mail account"


    How to remove it ?
