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OX Drive; unable to connect from Android mobile

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  • OX Drive; unable to connect from Android mobile


    using OX Drive in the Appsuite web ui works very well. Now I wanted to sync with Android mobile devices. I fail allready by connecting to the OX server - Message: "Die angegebene URL scheint nicht zu einem OX-Server zu gehören".

    I find nothing korreponding in the logs, neither open-xchange.log.0 nor in the apache2 logs.

    For information here are...

    dpkg --get-selections|grep open-xchange :
    open-xchange-appsuite-help-drive-common		install
    open-xchange-appsuite-help-drive-de-de		install
    open-xchange-appsuite-help-drive-en-us		install
    open-xchange-drive				install
    open-xchange-drive-comet			install
    open-xchange-drive-restricted			install
    /opt/open-xchange/sbin/listbundles|grep -v ACTIVE :
    bundlename: com.openexchange.logback.configuration status: RESOLVED
    bundlename: com.openexchange.logback.extensions status: RESOLVED
    bundlename: com.openexchange.system.extension status: RESOLVED
    # Please note that the servlet path to the soap API has changed:
    <Location /webservices>
        # restrict access to the soap provisioning API
        Order Deny,Allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from
        # you might add more ip addresses / networks here
        # Allow from 192.168 10 172.16
    # the old path is kept for compatibility reasons
    <Location /servlet/axis2/services>
        # restrict access to the soap provisioning API
        Order Deny,Allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from
        # you might add more ip addresses / networks here
        # Allow from 192.168 10 172.16
    <IfModule mod_proxy_http.c>
       ProxyRequests Off
       # When enabled, this option will pass the Host: line from the incoming request to the proxied host.
    #  ProxyPreserveHost On
       ProxyPreserveHost Off
       <Proxy balancer://oxguard>
           Order deny,allow
           Allow from all
           BalancerMember http://localhost:8080/oxguard timeout=1800 smax=0 ttl=60 retry=60 loadfactor=100 route=OX1
           ProxySet stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid scolonpathdelim=ON
           SetEnv proxy-initial-not-pooled
           SetEnv proxy-sendchunked
       <Proxy balancer://oxcluster>
           Order deny,allow
           Allow from all
           # multiple server setups need to have the hostname inserted instead localhost
           BalancerMember http://localhost:8009 timeout=100 smax=0 ttl=60 retry=60 loadfactor=50 route=OX1
           # Enable and maybe add additional hosts running OX here
           # BalancerMember http://oxhost2:8009 timeout=100  smax=0 ttl=60 retry=60 loadfactor=50 route=OX2
          ProxySet stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid scolonpathdelim=On
          SetEnv proxy-initial-not-pooled
          SetEnv proxy-sendchunked
       # Microsoft recommends a minimum timeout value of 15 minutes for eas connections
       <Proxy balancer://eas_oxcluster>
          Order deny,allow
          Allow from all
          # multiple server setups need to have the hostname inserted instead localhost
          BalancerMember http://localhost:8009 timeout=1800 smax=0 ttl=60 retry=60 loadfactor=50 route=OX1
          # Enable and maybe add additional hosts running OX here
          # BalancerMember http://oxhost2:8009 timeout=1800  smax=0 ttl=60 retry=60 loadfactor=50 route=OX2
          ProxySet stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid scolonpathdelim=On
          SetEnv proxy-initial-not-pooled
          SetEnv proxy-sendchunked
       # OX AppSuite frontend
           ProxyPass /appsuite/api/oxguard balancer://oxguard
           ProxyPass /drive balancer://oxcluster/drive
       <Proxy /appsuite/api>
           ProxyPass balancer://oxcluster/ajax
       # OX frontend
       <Proxy /ajax>
           ProxyPass balancer://oxcluster/ajax
       <Proxy /servlet>
           ProxyPass balancer://oxcluster/servlet
       <Proxy /infostore>
           ProxyPass balancer://oxcluster/infostore
       <Proxy /publications>
           ProxyPass balancer://oxcluster/publications
       # USM
       <Proxy /usm-json>
           ProxyPass balancer://oxcluster/usm-json
       # SOAP
       <Proxy /webservices>
           ProxyPass balancer://oxcluster/webservices
      <Proxy /realtime>
           ProxyPass balancer://oxcluster/realtime
       # OXtender/EAS specific proxy container with higher timeout
       <Proxy /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync>
           ProxyPass balancer://eas_oxcluster/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
    /opt/open-xchange/etc/ :
    # Properties for
    # == General =================================================================
    # Enables or disables the "drive" module capability globally. The capability
    # can also be set more fine-grained via config cascade. Per default it is only
    # enabled for users that have the "infostore" permission set. This is configured
    # in /opt/open-xchange/etc/contextSets/drive.yml.
    # Short product name as used in the version comment string inserted for drive
    # uploads, e.g. "Uploaded with OX Drive (Ottos Laptop)". Defaults to 
    # "OX Drive". Drive
    # == Temp Cleaner ============================================================
    # Specifies whether the synchronization logic will make use of a folder named 
    # ".drive" below the root synchronization folder or not. If enabled, this 
    # folder is used to store temporary uploads and removed files, which usually
    # leads to a better user experience since previously synchronized files can
    # be restored from there for example. If not, removed files are not kept, and
    # uploads are performed directly in the target folder.
    # Defaults to "true".
    # Configures the interval between runs of the cleaner process for the 
    # temporary ".drive" folder. A cleaner run is only initiated if the 
    # synchronization is idle, i.e. the last synchronization resulted in no 
    # actions to be performed, and the last run was before the configured 
    # interval. The value can be defined using units of measurement: "D" (=days), 
    # "W" (=weeks) and "H" (=hours). Defaults to "1D" (one day).
    # Defines the maximum age of files and directories to be kept inside the 
    # temporary ".drive" folder. Files or directories that were last modified 
    # before the configured age are deleted during the next run of the cleaner
    # process. The value can be defined using units of measurement: "D" (=days), 
    # "W" (=weeks) and "H" (=hours). Defaults to "1D" (one day).
    # == Throttling ==============================================================
    # Allows to limit the maximum used bandwidth for all downloads. If
    # configured, downloads via the drive module handled by this backend node will
    # not exceed the configured bandwidth. The available bandwidth is defined as 
    # the number of allowed bytes per second, where the byte value can be 
    # specified with one of the units "B" (bytes), "kB" (kilobyte), "MB" 
    # (Megabyte) or "GB" (Gigabyte), e.g. "10 MB". Must fit into the "Integer" 
    # range, i.e. the configured number of bytes has to be be smaller than 2^31. 
    # Defaults to "-1" (no limitations).
    # Allows to limit the maximum used bandwidth for client downloads within the 
    # same session. If configured, downloads originating in the same session via 
    # the drive module handled by this backend node will not exceed the 
    # configured bandwidth. The available bandwidth is defined as the number of 
    # allowed bytes per second, where the byte value can be specified with one of 
    # the units "B" (bytes), "kB" (kilobyte), "MB" (Megabyte) or "GB" (Gigabyte), 
    # e.g. "500 kB". Must fit into the "Integer" range, i.e. the configured 
    # number of bytes has to be be smaller than 2^31. Defaults to "-1" (no 
    # limitations).
    # Specifies the maximum allowed number of synchronization operations, i.e. 
    # all requests to the "drive" module apart from up- and downloads, that the 
    # server accepts concurrently. While the limit is reached, further 
    # synchronization requests are rejected in a HTTP 503 manner (service 
    # unavailable), and the client is instructed to try again at a later time. 
    # Defaults to "-1" (no limitations).
    # == Direct Link Templates ===================================================
    # Configures the pattern for a direct link to manage a user's quota. Text in 
    # brackets is replaced dynamically during link generation in the backend, 
    # however, it's still possible to overwrite them here with a static value, or 
    # even define an arbitrary URL here. 
    # [protocol] is replaced automatically with the protocol used by the client 
    # (typically "http" or "https").
    # [hostname] should be replaced with the server's canonical host name (if not,
    # the server tries to determine the hostname on it's own), [uiwebpath] is 
    # replaced with the value of "com.openexchange.UIWebPath" as defined in 
    # "", while [dispatcherPrefix] is replaced with the value of
    # "com.openexchange.dispatcher.prefix" ("", too). 
    # [contextid], [userid] and [login] are replaced to reflect the values of the 
    # current user. 
    # Defaults to "[protocol]://[hostname]".[protocol]://[hostname]
    # Configures the pattern for a direct link to the online help. This serves as
    # target for the "Help" section in the client applications. Text in brackets 
    # is replaced dynamically during link generation in the backend, however, it's
    # still possible to overwrite them here with a static value, or even define an 
    # arbitrary URL here.
    # [protocol] is replaced automatically with the protocol used by the client 
    # (typically "http" or "https").
    # [hostname] should be replaced with the server's canonical host name (if not,
    # the server tries to determine the hostname on it's own), [uiwebpath] is 
    # replaced with the value of "com.openexchange.UIWebPath" as defined in 
    # "", while [dispatcherPrefix] is replaced with the value of
    # "com.openexchange.dispatcher.prefix" ("", too). 
    # [contextid], [userid] and [login] are replaced to reflect the values of the 
    # current user. 
    # Defaults to "[protocol]://[hostname]/[uiwebpath]/help/[locale]/index.html".[protocol]://[hostname]/[uiwebpath]/help-drive/l10n/[locale]/index.html
    # == Push ====================================================================
    # Enables or disables push event notifications to clients using the Apple Push
    # Notification service (APNS) for iOS devices. This requires a valid 
    # configuration for the APNS certificate and keys, see either options below, 
    # or install the restricted components packages for drive. Defaults to 
    # "false".
    # Specifies the path to the local keystore file (PKCS #12) containing the APNS 
    # certificate and keys for the iOS application, e.g. 
    # "/opt/open-xchange/etc/drive-apns.p12". Required if 
    # "" is "true" and the package 
    # containing the restricted drive components is not installed.
    # Specifies the password used when creating the referenced keystore containing
    # the certificate of the iOS application. Note that blank or null passwords 
    # are in violation of the PKCS #12 specifications. Required if 
    # "" is "true" and the package 
    # containing the restricted drive components is not installed.
    # Indicates which APNS service is used when sending push notifications to iOS
    # devices. A value of "true" will use the production service, a value of 
    # "false" the sandbox service. Defaults to "true".
    # Configures the interval between queries to the APN feedback service for the
    # subscribed iOS devices. The value can be defined using units of measurement: 
    # "D" (=days), "W" (=weeks) and "H" (=hours). Defaults to "1D" (one day). 
    # Leaving this parameter empty disables the feedback queries on this node. 
    # Since each received feedback is processed cluster-wide, only one node in the 
    # cluster should be enabled here.
    # Enables or disables push event notifications to clients using the Apple Push
    # Notification service (APNS) for Mac OS devices. This requires a valid 
    # configuration for the APNS certificate and keys, see either options below, 
    # or install the restricted components packages for drive. Defaults to 
    # "false".
    # Specifies the path to the local keystore file (PKCS #12) containing the APNS 
    # certificate and keys for the Mac OS application, e.g. 
    # "/opt/open-xchange/etc/drive-apns.p12". Required if 
    # "" is "true" and the package 
    # containing the restricted drive components is not installed.
    # Specifies the password used when creating the referenced keystore containing
    # the certificate of the Mac OS application. Note that blank or null passwords 
    # are in violation of the PKCS #12 specifications. Required if 
    # "" is "true" and the package 
    # containing the restricted drive components is not installed.
    # Indicates which APNS service is used when sending push notifications to Mac 
    # OS devices. A value of "true" will use the production service, a value of 
    # "false" the sandbox service. Defaults to "true".
    # Configures the interval between queries to the APN feedback service for the
    # subscribed Mac OS devices. The value can be defined using units of 
    # measurement: "D" (=days), "W" (=weeks) and "H" (=hours). Defaults to "1D" 
    # (one day). Leaving this parameter empty disables the feedback queries on 
    # this node. Since each received feedback is processed cluster-wide, only one 
    # node in the cluster should be enabled here.
    # Enables or disables push event notifications to clients using the Google
    # Cloud Messaging (GCM) service. This requires a valid configuration for the 
    # GCM API key, see options below. Defaults to "false".
    # Specifies the API key of the server application. Required if 
    # "" is "true" and the package 
    # containing the restricted drive components is not installed.
    # Configures whether blocking long polling for pushing synchronization events 
    # to clients may be used as fallback when no other long polling handlers are 
    # available due to missing support of the HTTP service. Handling long polling 
    # in a blocking manner consumes a server thread, and should therefore only be 
    # enabled for testing purposes. Defaults to "false".
    # == Version Restrictions ====================================================
    # The following properties allow the configuration of version restrictions for 
    # the supported clients. For each client (Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android),
    # two restrictions can be set. First, a "soft" limit that has informational 
    # character only, i.e. the client is just informed about an available update
    # when identifying with a lower version number. Second, the "hard" limit will
    # restrict further synchronization of clients that identify themselves with a 
    # lower version number.
    # The properties are disabled by default to always fall back to the 
    # recommended settings, but can be overridden if needed. 
    My normal URL to the appsuite is:
    For OX Drive on Android I tried: and; both failed

    Any idea, what's wrong?
    Last edited by 881822; 11-19-2014, 03:30 PM.
    Viele Grüße

    OS: Ubuntu Server amd64 20.4 LTS
    JRE: openjdk-8-jre, Maria-DB, Apache 2.4, Dovecot
    OX-Server backend: OXSE latest
    OX-frontend: OX appsuite latest

  • #2
    Hey there,

    no idea? Is there any additional information, I can provide?

    Many thanks in advance.
    Viele Grüße

    OS: Ubuntu Server amd64 20.4 LTS
    JRE: openjdk-8-jre, Maria-DB, Apache 2.4, Dovecot
    OX-Server backend: OXSE latest
    OX-frontend: OX appsuite latest


    • #3
      Hallo Rene,

      konntest Du das Problem lösen?
      Ich bin jetzt auf das gleiche Problem gestoßen.

      Vielen Dank

      Gruß Johann


      • #4
        Hallo Johann,

        leider nein, ich kann mich weiterhin nicht mit der "OX Drive" App anmelden.
        Viele Grüße

        OS: Ubuntu Server amd64 20.4 LTS
        JRE: openjdk-8-jre, Maria-DB, Apache 2.4, Dovecot
        OX-Server backend: OXSE latest
        OX-frontend: OX appsuite latest


        • #5
          Gibt es noch irgendwelche weiteren Hinweise?
          Apache access logs müssten ja irgendwas zeigen? HTTP response codes?
          Oder mal auf Port 8009 den Traffic zwischen OX und Apache aufzeichnen und sehen, was da passiert.


          • #6
            Vielen Dank für die Hinweise. Leider gibt es weder in der access.log noch in der error.log des Apache eine entsprechende Meldung.

            Habe ich erwähnt, das es sich beimssl-Zertifikat für den Apache um ein self-signed Zertifikat handelt?

            Wie kann ich den Traffic zwischen OX und Apache auf Port 8009 aufzeichnen?
            Viele Grüße

            OS: Ubuntu Server amd64 20.4 LTS
            JRE: openjdk-8-jre, Maria-DB, Apache 2.4, Dovecot
            OX-Server backend: OXSE latest
            OX-frontend: OX appsuite latest


            • #7
              Ich befürchte fast, es könnte an dem self-signed Zertifikat liegen.
              Wenn nichts im Apache access log auftaucht, geht wohl schon früher was schief :-(

              Traffic mitschneiden (was voraussichtlich nichts bringt):
              tcpdump -s0 -w output.tcp -i lo port 8009

              Danach kann man output.tcp schön in wireshark laden und sich in Ruhe ansehen.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Wolfgang Rosenauer View Post
                Ich befürchte fast, es könnte an dem self-signed Zertifikat liegen.
                Wenn nichts im Apache access log auftaucht, geht wohl schon früher was schief :-(

                Traffic mitschneiden (was voraussichtlich nichts bringt):
                tcpdump -s0 -w output.tcp -i lo port 8009

                Danach kann man output.tcp schön in wireshark laden und sich in Ruhe ansehen.
                Oh, das wäre natürlich schade. Wird das denn noch geändert? Alle übrigen Funktionen, bis hin zu eax können ja mit einem solchen Certificate genutzt werden.

                Den Output habe ich mitgeschnitten, wie oben beschrieben. Wonach soll ich suchen in der Datei. Soweit ich das erkenen kann, wird auch der eax-Traffic hier abgebildet.
                Viele Grüße

                OS: Ubuntu Server amd64 20.4 LTS
                JRE: openjdk-8-jre, Maria-DB, Apache 2.4, Dovecot
                OX-Server backend: OXSE latest
                OX-frontend: OX appsuite latest


                • #9
                  Zugriffe auf den Pfad ajax/drive müssten im Traffic auftauchen (in der Zeit sollte niemand mit der WebUI im Drive rumgeklickt haben).
                  Wenn da nichts auftaucht, dann geht schon vorher was schief. Ich versuche mal rauszufinden, ob was mit self signed Zertifikaten bekannt ist.


                  • #10
                    Unter Windows klappt es auch nicht. Es kann nur am self signed Zertifikat liegen. Wäre es möglich irgendwo in configs einzustellen, dass die self signed Zertifikate akzeptiert werden?


                    • #11
                      leider taucht im output kein Eintrag "drive" auf. :-(
                      Viele Grüße

                      OS: Ubuntu Server amd64 20.4 LTS
                      JRE: openjdk-8-jre, Maria-DB, Apache 2.4, Dovecot
                      OX-Server backend: OXSE latest
                      OX-frontend: OX appsuite latest


                      • #12
                        Die Drive App funktioniert tatsächlich nur mit vollständig gültigen (d.h. auch durchgängige Vertrauensketten) Zertifikaten. Es ist leider auch nicht vorgesehen, eine entsprechende Warnung einzubauen.
                        D.h. derzeit ist die einzige Möglichkeit, dem zugrundeliegenden OS (Android) das Zertifikat beizubrigen. Das sollte ja in den Einstellungen grundsätzlich möglich sein.


                        • #13

                          ich habe jetzt eine Lösung gefunden, mit der ich Android, Mac und Windows mit Oxdrive verbinden kann. Falls der Bedarf noch besteht, kann ich die Lösung posten.

                          Viele Grüße


                          • #14
                            Hallo Johann,

                            Originally posted by johann8 View Post

                            Falls der Bedarf noch besteht, kann ich die Lösung posten.

                            Viele Grüße
                            Ja, Bedarf!


                            • #15
                              Die Lösung für den OX Server im LAN kann etwas kosten, muss aber nicht.
                              Was man braucht:
                              - eigene Domäne z.B. mit der Möglichkeit DNS-Eintragungen vorzunehmen (CNAME-Record)
                              - Dyndns Konto z.B bei und dort eine Domäne z.B.
                              - OX-Server im LAN (Beimir läuft auf CentOS 6)

                              - eine Subdomain z.B. erstellen
                              - CNAME-Record auf dyndns domain erstellen
                              - Zertifikat-Request auf dem OX Server im LAN erstellen z.B.:
                              openssl genrsa -out ox_privkey.pem 4096
                              openssl req -new -key ox_privkey.pem -out ox_cert.csr -sha512

                              - Zu gehen und ein Konto anlegen
                              - Domain valiedieren lassen (Der Zugriff auf Email z.B. wird für die Bestätigung benötigt)
                              - Ein kostenloses Zertifikat auf erstellen lassen, gültig für ein Jahr (Dabei Zertifikat-Request von oben benutzen).
                              - Intermediate Certificate von Startssl Class1 auf OX Server laden

                              - Apache-Konfiguration anpassen: Unter virtual host configuration einfügen "ServerAlias" und die Zertifikateinstellungen z.B.
                              <VirtualHost *:443>
                              ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
                              ServerName ox.domain.local
                              DocumentRoot /var/www/html
                              SSLEngine on
                              SSLCertificateFile /etc/myssl/startssl/ # von Startssl
                              SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/myssl/startssl/
                              SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/myssl/startssl/berlicall.local/

                              - Für Zugriff auf caldav/carddav unter proxy_http.conf folgendes eintragen, falls noch nicht geschehen (Für Thunderbird and Co):
                              # carddav
                              <Proxy /carddav>
                              ProxyPass balancer://oxcluster/servlet/dav/carddav

                              # caldav
                              <Proxy /caldav>
                              ProxyPass balancer://oxcluster/servlet/dav/caldav

                              - Falls kein virtual host für caldav-, carddav-konfiguration benutzt wird, dann Apache config für useragent detection erweitern:
                              -------- dav-useragent-detection.conf -----------
                              RewriteEngine On
                              RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Calendar [OR]
                              RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} DataAccess [OR]
                              RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} DAVKit [OR]
                              RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Lightning [OR]
                              RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Adresboek [OR]
                              RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} dataaccessd [OR]
                              RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Preferences [OR]
                              RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Adressbuch [OR]
                              RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} AddressBook [OR]
                              RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Address%20Book [OR]
                              RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} CalendarStore [OR]
                              RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} CoreDAV
                              RewriteRule (.*) http://localhost:8009/servlet/dav$1 [P] # for grizzly http service

                              und in Datei /opt/open-xchange/etc/ folgendes aktivieren:

                              - Apache und OpenXchange Dienste durchstarten
                              - Falls der Server im LAN hinter Firewall, Reverse Proxy oder Router steht, bitte entsprechende Massnahmen treffen. Diese Lösung funktionierte in allen drei Fällen bei mir.
                              - Zum Testen ein Ping auf setzen
                              - Die URL aufrufen. Es sollte keine Meldung wegen Zertifikat-Error kommen. Jetzt kann man OXdrive verbinden.

                              Es bleibt nur noch ein kleines Problem mit dem Zugriff auf im LAN. D.h. wir müssen unseren DNS-Server im LAN austricksen, damit er im LAN nicht auf im Internet verweist, sondern auf unseren lokalen Server. Man kann natürlich über ein Anmeldescript die Hosts-Datei unter Windows editieren und eine Eintragung wie z.B. "" vornehmen.
                              Ich habe aber über DNS-Server im Active Directory 2003 gelöst und zwar:
                              - eine Forward-Lookupzone erstellen
                              - In dieser Zone nur ein A-Record erstellen, wobei das Feld "Name" leer lassen und nur die IP-Adresse eingeben z.B
                              - DNS-Server restarten
                              - mit "nslookup" die Namensauflösung im LAN testen

                              Die Kosten können nur für die Domäne entstehen, falls noch keine da ist, und für das Dyndnskonto.

