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Calendar - Color Code Appointments

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  • Calendar - Color Code Appointments


    This may be a strange request, but does anyone know if you can color code appointments in the OX calendar?


  • #2
    Starting with version 7.8 you can select colors per appointment.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Wolfgang Rosenauer View Post
      Starting with version 7.8 you can select colors per appointment.
      Just upgraded, and everyone loves it.



      • #4

        Running into some trouble with the color coding.

        If I create an event off my private calendar, and select a color, my participant will see the color AFTER accepting the invite.

        Someone else made an appointment on a public calendar, and I can see the color they chose (red,) but everyone else sees blue (standard.) I am not invited to the event, the only difference is that I'm the calendar owner. I tried making someone else an admin but they still cannot see the color red.

        The person who made the red appointment made a second appointment on the public calendar, and colored it green. However, even I see it as blue. When I click to edit these events, the colors are definitely selected.

        Is there some kind of weird rule about who can see color coding, and if viewing is different on public and private calendars?

        So far I can't find anything in different between the one appointment I see in red and the other I'm not seeing in green. I'm not a participant of either event, and I'm the calendar owner. Other uses are Guest or Author privileges, and also cannot see colour.



        • #5
          Did a bit more testing...

          It appears on a private calendar, the participant will see the color after accepting.

          On a public calendar, only the event organizer will see the color. Participants will not, whether they accept or not.

          If the participant has the ability to edit the event, they can change the color, but only the event creator will see it, the participant still won't.

          Is this the desired behavior? It seems odd that participants wouldn't be able to see color coding, or even set their own color coding for appointments.


          • #6
            Wondering if anyone out there has any further insight on this, it seems like a bit of a design flaw, but maybe I just can't wrap my head around the logic.

            As I previously explained, if an event is made on a private calendar, the participant will see the color after accepting.

            If the event is made on a public calendar, only the event organizer will see the color. Participants, whether they accept or not, will not see the selected color.

            If the participant has the ability to edit the event, they can change the color, but only the event creator will see it, the participant still won't.

            I could understand of colors were personal, and you could color code any and all appointments as you please, and only the user logged in would see those colors.

            I could also understand if the event creator can choose a color and they are the only one to see it, but what makes this strange is that the participants can edit the color, even if they can't see it. It makes the OX calendar seem broken if a participant edits an event they didn't create (maybe a co-host) but they can't see the colors they apply.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kprimar View Post
              Wondering if anyone out there has any further insight on this, it seems like a bit of a design flaw, but maybe I just can't wrap my head around the logic.
              I know, this is an old thread, but - were you ever able to sort this out?

              We recently upgraded the backend to 7.8.2 rev30 and now all our iPhone users are bitten by this bug.

              We have three types of Calendars: Personal, Shared and Public.

              For the shared calendars (Ressources like cars and rooms) i was able to change it by looging as the respective pseudo user, but I found no way to change the color for the public calendars.

              Is there an official supported way to change the color of public calendars?

              If now, how about downgrading OX? We came from 7.8.0 and ran several update tasks (PrgLinksAddPrimaryKeyUpdateTaskV2 till RemoveAliasInUserAttributesTable) during the update.
              Will we able to use the current database with 7.8.0 or do we have to go to an old backup loosing all user edits since then?


              • #8
                Never downgrade OX

                Originally posted by Uber View Post
                Will we able to use the current database with 7.8.0 or do we have to go to an old backup loosing all user edits since then?
                First: never downgrade OX. There are several changes that cannot be undone. In your case e.g. the database hast got multiple changes, config files changed and also the security patches will be lost.
                Appointment colors: if it's a bug report it in OX's bugzilla and /or if it's an important feature for you you can order support from OX

