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Appsuite + Drive = where is my space ?

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  • hognevevle
    This is how I solved this:

    Using e.g. Open Xchange Updater, map the Drive to a network drive, e.g. M:.

    Then, using e.g. Powershell, you can find the largest files.


    PS C:\> M:
    PS M:\> cd .\Userstore\
    PS M:\Userstore> gci . -r | sort Length -desc | select fullname -f 10

    M:\Userstore\Hogne Vevle\MacPro\sqlbackup\db1.BAK
    M:\Userstore\Hogne Vevle\MacPro\$RECYCLE.BIN\$
    M:\Userstore\Hogne Vevle\MacPro\sqlbackup\db2.BAK
    M:\Userstore\Hogne Vevle\Pictures\IMG_0002.MOV
    M:\Userstore\Hogne Vevle\MacPro\sqlbackup\db3.BAK
    M:\Userstore\Hogne Vevle\MacPro\$RECYCLE.BIN\$R61LG3U.bak
    M:\Userstore\Hogne Vevle\Documents\Microsoft User Data\Office 2011 Identities\Main Identity\Database
    M:\Userstore\Hogne Vevle\MacPro\$RECYCLE.BIN\$RGZMM8G\
    M:\Userstore\Hogne Vevle\MacPro\OX\properties\guard\lib\aws-java-sdk-1.8.2.jar
    M:\Userstore\Hogne Vevle\Drive Mail\Share test\ox_support_infos-20160922-074944.tar.gz
    Or if you've got cygwin or the Windows 10 Bash feature installed, you can just as easilly do the same using Linux commands such as find. Whatever you prefer.

    Slightly complicated, but it works
    Last edited by hognevevle; 12-02-2016, 03:23 PM.

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  • Wolfgang Rosenauer
    I don't think so.
    Have no idea right away how to easily identify the storage consumers.

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  • peko
    started a topic Appsuite + Drive = where is my space ?

    Appsuite + Drive = where is my space ?


    some of our users are playing around with the appsuite and using DRIVE to store
    docs, sheets and other files.
    However they are running into file quota, but do not not which files are taking all the space.
    Is there a way to get an overview showing the folder size ?

    Bye, Peer