i started to ready here in the Wiki - great Job.
Now i want to install OX on my Server, of course
But there are some Problems and i think other get these problems also.
In the Wiki -> "Open-Xchange Installation" is a part with the "Library´s".
Here should be more info i think.
1.) Java MySQL library -> is in ver. 3.1.14 and not 3.1.13. Is this a problem? Should be changed to the right version in the Wiki.
2.) util.concurrent -> must i rename the .zip to .jar ?
3.) Jakart Slide -> there are so many files for the client & server in several Editions. Which one is the right ? Small info ?!
4.) Commons HTTP Client -> is in vers 3.0.1. Or i can´t find the 2.0.2 !
5.) Saxon XSLT Processor -> must i rename it also to .jar? Seems that there are some .exe and .bat files in there.
Is it right, that i _must_ extract the single .jar Files from the downloaded Zip or tar.gz? I´m not sure.
This should not be a critic - only a help for people that comes behind me.
Greez BeNe
i started to ready here in the Wiki - great Job.
Now i want to install OX on my Server, of course

But there are some Problems and i think other get these problems also.
In the Wiki -> "Open-Xchange Installation" is a part with the "Library´s".
Here should be more info i think.
1.) Java MySQL library -> is in ver. 3.1.14 and not 3.1.13. Is this a problem? Should be changed to the right version in the Wiki.
2.) util.concurrent -> must i rename the .zip to .jar ?
3.) Jakart Slide -> there are so many files for the client & server in several Editions. Which one is the right ? Small info ?!
4.) Commons HTTP Client -> is in vers 3.0.1. Or i can´t find the 2.0.2 !
5.) Saxon XSLT Processor -> must i rename it also to .jar? Seems that there are some .exe and .bat files in there.
Is it right, that i _must_ extract the single .jar Files from the downloaded Zip or tar.gz? I´m not sure.
This should not be a critic - only a help for people that comes behind me.
Greez BeNe