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Unexpected sequence number during FETCH command

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  • Unexpected sequence number during FETCH command


    I have the problem when I reading mails.
    If I go to my inbox there are 15 mails I can see only one mail, then I the mails by "flag" then I can see all mails, this problem happens also by other folders.

    When I take a look in the logfile I saw the following messages:
    WARNING: Unexpected sequence number during FETCH command: Expected 5 but was 3

    Now I understand that ox expects the mails in a special order but the imap-server delivers the mails in another order.

    My system is SuSE Linux 11.0 with cyrus as imap-server.

    Thank you for your help.

    Gruß Alex

  • #2
    Hi Alex,

    this is/was a known issue with the latest Dovecot IMAP Server and propably others too. A fix for this issue has been implemented and will be released with the next Beta or RC packages. Alternatively you could use the snapshot packages at the opensuse buildservice to check youself if the issue has been also fixed for your setup. Those snapshots already contain the fix and it has been verified for dovecot 1.1.1. Any feedback will be very appreciated.



    • #3
      Hi Martin,

      now I installed the packages from the snapshot and I get all time all mails.

      Thank you for your help.

      But the sort of the mails is only working on the date, the other sortoptions from, size or subject dosn't work.

      Gruß Alex


      • #4
        Hey Alex

        what exactly do you mean with "don't work" - is there no response at all or are there error message or does the sorting not match your expectations?



        • #5
          Hi Martin,

          I mean the sorting is not what I expect. The mails what I saw are always sorted by date.

          Gruß Alex
          Last edited by Guest; 07-25-2008, 05:47 PM.

