A friendly hello to all open-exhangers
we are a bunch of open source enthusiasts in south India in a non-profit project (www.auroville.org) of 2000 people. We are in the process of research to find a model installation to move our services (municipal services, educational and cultural services as well as administrative services) to Linux (we work on Hardy Heron). We spent some time exploring several groupware solutions and settled on Open-Exchange. We have about 50 offices to migrate. The average setup is a group between 2 and 5 people working in an office with a local network. Some of these offices are on a common network, other are separate and have DSL connections.
Our intention is to document this migration on the Open-Exchange Wiki or forum so that other organisations can benefit from it.
Now here are some conceptual questions. I ask them because my experience is that starting with the right concepts can save lots of time and problems in the migration.
A working group of 2 to 5 people and would need a common mailbox, calendar and task list as well as document sharing (with versions). How would you set such a group up in Open-Exchange? Can users have their private mail box? How complicated does that get regarding the mail relay?
We don't have a local network to connect all office but every office has it's own local network. DSL at 256 kb/s is reliably established. Our mail server is outsourced so we need to be able to relay the mail.
I would appreciate if you share your experiences with us.
The Blue Light team.

we are a bunch of open source enthusiasts in south India in a non-profit project (www.auroville.org) of 2000 people. We are in the process of research to find a model installation to move our services (municipal services, educational and cultural services as well as administrative services) to Linux (we work on Hardy Heron). We spent some time exploring several groupware solutions and settled on Open-Exchange. We have about 50 offices to migrate. The average setup is a group between 2 and 5 people working in an office with a local network. Some of these offices are on a common network, other are separate and have DSL connections.
Our intention is to document this migration on the Open-Exchange Wiki or forum so that other organisations can benefit from it.
Now here are some conceptual questions. I ask them because my experience is that starting with the right concepts can save lots of time and problems in the migration.
A working group of 2 to 5 people and would need a common mailbox, calendar and task list as well as document sharing (with versions). How would you set such a group up in Open-Exchange? Can users have their private mail box? How complicated does that get regarding the mail relay?
We don't have a local network to connect all office but every office has it's own local network. DSL at 256 kb/s is reliably established. Our mail server is outsourced so we need to be able to relay the mail.
I would appreciate if you share your experiences with us.
The Blue Light team.