Originally posted by Viktor Pracht
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It's clear the dd menu let's you do copies/duplicates through a multi-step process (shows folder tree [very cool!], look around for target folder, and select - done!), but an optionable key press (ctl key?) on the gui side to toggle from 'move' (the default) to 'copy' (w/ctrl key pressed) would be a nice extension. It helps new OX (simple) users out by keeping them out of the folder tree drop down during these operations, which can be confusing for the simple user.
We even have a request to have 'reference' folders that intercept all attempts to move objects from specific folders and convert the move operation into a 'copy' (or even a 'link'). This would allow them to manage objects better by tagging specific folder types with these behaviours. I realize this *might* be done via built-in OX OCL, but I'm not sure - TBD.
We're thinking of implementing these enhancements on the server side by enhancing OX folder types and let the user just do the default dnd and let the server do the decision making in some cases (where we want to only allow copies and/or only allow links - but not allow object move/relocation).
Now OX can get this done w/built in links, etc., so you can get there with existing functionality. But these are not single dnd operations and require 'a few more clicks' to get it done. Again, not a big deal, but our clients really like to minimize clicks wherever possible.
TIA for the dialogue.
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