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Disable confirmation request

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  • Viktor Pracht
    Sorry, that's not possible. The whole point of calendar software is to make sure every participant knows about each appointment. It should not be possible to secretly create an apopintment and later blame somebody for not showing up.

    Those appointments will also create conflicts and get out of sync when the originals in the private folders change. Why don't users A and B use the public calendar directly?

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  • arnaud80
    I know this field and use it.
    But my problem is not email notification, but the request to validate/refuse the appointement.

    My objective :

    Private Calendar - User A : Appointement1, Appointement2, Appointement3
    Private Calendar - User B : Appointement4, Appointement5, Appointement6

    => Public Calendar = Appointement1, Appointement2, Appointement3, Appointement4, Appointement5, Appointement6
    This calendar is generated by another "Public user with a good permission".

    The new appointement created in this public folder doesn't need another validation.

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  • Viktor Pracht
    See field 217, notification. It's not a real field. You can specify it in the update to enable or disable notifications.

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  • arnaud80

    The thread HTTP API confirmation details confirm than filed "confirmation" is only in read only mode.

    I need to make a public calendar with the content of some private folder, so I copy each appointment in public calendar, but I don't want the user validate this "new" appointement.

    Thank you for your help.

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  • arnaud80
    started a topic Disable confirmation request

    Disable confirmation request


    is it possible to disable a confirmation request when i create an appointement in public folder ?

    i have try to put 1 in canlendar->data->users[0]->confirmation, but my change is not completed by /calendar?action=update

    For information, the change of the title work.

    in fact, I need to copy all private calendar in public folder, and i don't want the user revalidate his appointment.

    Thank you,