oxadminmaster is not able to login to the web interface, this account is purely for low level tasks. Logging in to the web interface means: logging in to a context. Since contexts only contain an oxadmin user and normal users, oxadminmaster cannot login.
Users and contexts are created using the command line scripts at /opt/open-xchange/sbin. There are some tools like Peters Admin GUI to do it via a browser (http://oxgui.wordpress.com/).
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Install error in Debian
Guest repliedHmm after changing oxadminmaster password I couldn't login in the html window.
Anything else to change?.
BTW oxadmin is supposed to create new users, where?.Last edited by Guest; 05-12-2010, 03:32 PM.
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Guest repliedThank you very much, I'll try to create several users to check email and contact address book under Outlook clients.
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oxadminmaster is used for most basic functions like installation, database registration, context creation and so on. It's kind of a super-admin. It's password can be changed by using the "generatempasswd" script at the OX sbin/ directory.
Contexts are managed by the oxadmin user. This user is able to create, change, delete users, resources, groups inside a context. Each context has one separate oxadmin user, in contrast to oxadminmaster which only exists once on a server.
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Guest repliedI think so, btw which user should I user to config OX and users, oxadminmaster or oxadmin?
How can I set oxadminmaster pass?
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i assume this was an error with /etc/hosts pointing to a wrong "localhost" IP address.
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Guest repliedIn a clean Debian 5 installation, at the very end of the script I get:
Sleeping 10 seconds...
Registering groupware system at the database...
server could not be registered:
Server response:
Exception creating connection to:; nested exception is:
java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host
Server cannot be registered, aborting.
Ok, reinstalled Debian again and reinstall OX, everything went OK, time to test.
Thank you very much.
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could you try using the installation script? It does all the required stuff in an automated way. I don't exactly know the cause for your issue but you might give it a try on a clean debian system.
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Guest repliedYes, I'd tried almost everything, always the java error and oxinstaller shows empty server name and db password. Damn I need to get it online to test it before creating a real server, is Open-Xchange or Zimbra for us.
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Have you started the open-xchange-admindaemon before executing those commands? Please check out the quick installation guide, maybe it's clearer than the pdf. http://oxpedia.org/wiki/index.php?ti...for_Debian_5.0Last edited by Martin Heiland; 05-10-2010, 05:53 PM.
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Guest repliedNope, I didn't type the '\'. I'm following the pdf, now in page 20, mysql -h db1 -u openexchange -P 3306 -p changing db1 with my server name never get a connection and /opt/open-xchange/sbin/oxinstaller --add-license=YOUR-OX-LICENSE-CODE \ --servername=oxserver --configdb-pass=db_password \ --master-pass=admin_master_password --ajp-bind-port=localhost
changing oxserver with my server name didn't fulfill the oxinstaller table, --servername & configdbpass are empty.
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Originally posted by wolf View PostAfter creating a new server I'd been testing the pdf install guide.
in :
/opt/open-xchange/sbin/registerserver -n oxapp -A oxadminmaster \ -P mypw
I get:
server could not be registered:
Error: connection failed to host: blockedcontent; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Conexión rehusada
and in mkdir data/filestores/fs1 a cannot create file error.
I'm trying in Debian 5 without success
Any help?
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Guest repliedAfter creating a new server I'd been testing the pdf install guide.
in :
/opt/open-xchange/sbin/registerserver -n oxapp -A oxadminmaster \ -P mypw
I get:
server could not be registered:
Error: connection failed to host:; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Conexión rehusada
and in mkdir data/filestores/fs1 a cannot create file error.
I'm trying in Debian 5 without success
Any help?
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Install error in Debian
Hi just created a new debian 5 to install Open-Xchange, I'd followed the install guide but i get errors at:
/opt/open-xchange/sbin/registerfilestore -A oxadminmaster -P admin_master_password -t file:/var/opt/filestore
/opt/open-xchange/sbin/registerdatabase -A oxadminmaster -P admin_master_password \-n oxdatabase -p db_password -m true
filestore could not be registered:
Error: Connection refused to host: localhost; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
Just checked /host and set java version to 1.5 without success.
Btw the login window at shows a 503 error (well no it seems java error)
Any help?
BTW the repository shows a NO_PUBKEY DD1A5E9CEED949F0
http://software.open-xchange.com/OX6...nEtch/Packages 401 Authorization RequiredLast edited by Guest; 05-07-2010, 12:19 PM.Tags: None
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