Originally posted by sam
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Wow again ! I was afraid, the current status is considered a must-have / won't fix philosophy/feature of ox. Actually there was already something about groups on old roadmap scheduled around 6.16, so I was scared the current situation is already the improved one. Do you have at least an idea if this change will happen in term of months or years ?
Speaking of groups, there is currently another strange limitation: setting permissions for the ACL-groups do not work since the groups are greyed-out in selection dialogue when setting permissions . Modern IMAP-clients (e.g. dovecot >=1.2) support fully ACL groups and take care of group membership. So in order to set ACL group permission, the client has to do the same as for user, the only extra is to prepend a $-sign in front of the group name. The other way works ok, if I set group-ACL from withon other client (e.g. Thunderbird), it is interpreted correctly by OX. Could you give me a hint, where in code to enable/ungrey groups and add the $-sign?
I cannot imagine, why there could have been issues when enabling this by default, but
der Teufel schläft ja nie ...
I go for this patch for now, but its ugly. This should actually be configurable in config file, multivalue-attributes are pretty common in LDAP, to deliberately use just the first one by default is not a good idea.
der Teufel schläft ja nie ...
I go for this patch for now, but its ugly. This should actually be configurable in config file, multivalue-attributes are pretty common in LDAP, to deliberately use just the first one by default is not a good idea.
This brings me to the last question: how to contribute changes back to the project ? OX seems to be a kind of one-way open-source project. E.g. I changed recently the password-changescript package to interpret the script return values (i.e. ldap error, password too weak, password too short, ...) and throw different exception for these so user gets a meaningfull error message why the operation failed. Now I would like this to be included as standard (and I'm sure many others as well) - but how ?
The first way to get your patches into our code right now is creating an enhancement bug. Then a developer will look over the patches and include them if the code quality corresponds to our standards. And please mention the bug numbers here so I can indicate that to the developers if they don't saw it.
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