If no context is given at the login (so you only use ox4 and not ox4@mapping2), the defaultcontext is used to try to resolve the user name. So the login should work if you login with ox4@mapping2 or ox4@2.
If you list all contexts with the listuser command, you should see one context with the mapping "defaultcontext"
someox:~# /opt/open-xchange/sbin/listcontext -A masteruser -P password
cid fid fname enabled qmax qused name lmappings
1 3 1_ctx_store true 1024 0 1 defaultcontext
This one is used if you only login with ox4.
No announcement yet.
Login failed (Interface:HTTP_JSON Failed)
Login failed (Interface:HTTP_JSON Failed)
Hi All,
I'm new on the board, and I post my question because after several search I can't find the issue
I've the version : 6.20.0 Rev8 (2011-04-21 17:24:23).
After the setup with the default context and user ... I can make a login without problem.
But ... If I make a new context, I receive alway one error if I would make a login.
To the log file I can see:
"INFO: Detected a removed session: dda6c9a0a3464b02b62f20f94f42c0e5. Removed all possibly cached mail access instances for user 4 in context 1
Jun 2, 2011 4:50:00 AM com.openexchange.push.imapidle.ImapIdlePushListene r close
INFO: stopping IDLE for Context: 1, Login: ox4
Jun 2, 2011 4:56:14 AM com.openexchange.login.internal.LoginPerformer logLoginRequest
INFO: Loginx1010 IP:xx.xx.xx.xx AuthID:c93ae454-76e9-433e-9e4c-681268357440 Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1 Client:com.openexchange.ox.gui.dhtml(6.20.0 Rev8) Interface:HTTP_JSON Failed."
For making a new context i writte that:
Code:/opt/open-xchange/sbin/createcontext -A oxadminmaster -P MasterPassword -c 2 -N "domaine.fr" -u "masterc2" -d "displayname" -g "givenname" -s "surname" -p "userpassword" -e "defaultuser@domaine.fr" -q 1024 -L "mapping2" -l "fr_FR" -t "Europe/Paris" --access-combination-name=all
Code:-L "mapping2"
For create one user, I make:
Code:/opt/open-xchange/sbin/createuser -c 2 -A "masterc2" -P "userpassword" -u "ox4" -p "testtest" -d "displayname1" -g "givenname1" -s "surname1" -e "me@domaine.fr" -l "fr_FR" -t "Europe/Paris" --defaultsenderaddress "me@domaine.fr" --imaplogin "me@domaine.fr" --imapserver "imap.serveur.fr" --smtpserver "smtp.serveur.fr"
I can see it on MySQL ...
Just I can understand why I receive this error "Interface:HTTP_JSON Failed" and why the default login page search the user into the context 1 ...
INFO: Detected a removed session: dda6c9a0a3464b02b62f20f94f42c0e5. Removed all possibly cached mail access instances for user 4 in context 1
Jun 2, 2011 4:50:00 AM com.openexchange.push.imapidle.ImapIdlePushListene r close
INFO: stopping IDLE for Context: 1, Login: ox4
Because I user ubuntu 10.04, I've apply this howto:
Just install this packages:
Code:apt-get install mysql-server open-xchange-meta-singleserver open-xchange-authentication-database open-xchange-spamhandler-default open-xchange-meta-server open-xchange-meta-messaging open-xchange-meta-gui open-xchange-meta-admin
Bests Regards,
DamienTags: None
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