when I try to move a mail i got this in browser:
By trying to delete a mail, I get this:
8 of 10MB are in the mailbox at the moment. When I delete or move a mail with 200kb, I have no problems. I could increase the mailbox-memory, but IMHO this is not a solution.
when I try to move a mail i got this in browser:
Fehlermeldung: Interner Fehler: A protocol exception occurred during execution of an IMAP request: UID COPY failed: Over quota (MSG-0020,-1581821101-22)
Fehlermeldung: Nachricht konnte nicht in den Mülleimer verschoben werden (MSG-0048,-1581821101-25)
8 of 10MB are in the mailbox at the moment. When I delete or move a mail with 200kb, I have no problems. I could increase the mailbox-memory, but IMHO this is not a solution.
