today I set up Open Xchange on my server (Debian squeeze 6.0 x64 / Sun Java 1.6 x64) as described in the "Download and Installation Guide for Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (Squeeze)".
When i try to run "/etc/init.d/open-xchange-groupware start" I get the following error: "/sbin/start-stop-daemon: unable to set gid to 999 (Operation not permitted)" (999 is the group id of the open-xchange group).
When I manually edit the oxfunctions.sh to use open-xchange : open-xchange (or another user:group combination avaiable on my server) i just get "Starting Open-Xchange Groupware: open-xchange-groupware." without the application being started....
I can't find any solution for this, maybe anyone has an idea?
Thank you for any help,
today I set up Open Xchange on my server (Debian squeeze 6.0 x64 / Sun Java 1.6 x64) as described in the "Download and Installation Guide for Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (Squeeze)".
When i try to run "/etc/init.d/open-xchange-groupware start" I get the following error: "/sbin/start-stop-daemon: unable to set gid to 999 (Operation not permitted)" (999 is the group id of the open-xchange group).
When I manually edit the oxfunctions.sh to use open-xchange : open-xchange (or another user:group combination avaiable on my server) i just get "Starting Open-Xchange Groupware: open-xchange-groupware." without the application being started....
I can't find any solution for this, maybe anyone has an idea?
Thank you for any help,