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Open-Xchange Community Edition Installer released

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  • Originally posted by Martin Braun View Post
    ...This means a installation of the Open-Xchange Server will no longer require a build process at the server, it can be installed just like any other software. I really think this will take away a lot of problems caused by the installation process before. Therefor the installer had a enjoyable life, i had fun maintaining it but it will be obsolete as of today.
    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for your support so far, the script was very cool.
    I think it's not so obsolet as you think, because the pure OX is done by the package
    but all the other things (cyrus, postfix etc.) must be done too.

    So it would be nice, if you could provide the script furthermore,
    reduced of the OX installation it self (respective: with apt-getting of OX instead of compiling...).

    I would love it ...

    It was always fun to start your script, lean back and watch things working ;-)
    As I'm used it so far, I'm now a little bit confused of all the other things to do...

    greetings and thanks for your good work,

    Last edited by Guest; 08-05-2008, 02:03 PM.


    • new script ??

      another idea:

      maybe it's possible to create a script without OX,
      just for all the other needs to run OX sucessfull.
      (As a kind of a "helper-script")

      I don't know how others feel, but for me,
      installing a fetchmail or a postfix maybe easy
      but for the fine tuning (SSL, Sieve a.s.o.)
      I lack some skills and if I look to the topics
      in the installation thread of the last days,
      I'm not alone.
      Such a script could imho recuce the
      trouble questions in the installation thread,
      so our experts could do "right" work:
      making a very good peace of software
      even better....




      • Martin, I am newbie using this mail, so I saw your script and it told me that is obsolete.
        Is there a way to get the same .?
        I wanna install the software using the script. Cant I?
        What is the best way to do that?
        I am using debian ETch 4.0


        • Originally posted by macaruchi View Post
          Martin, I am newbie using this mail, so I saw your script and it told me that is obsolete.
          Is there a way to get the same .?
          I wanna install the software using the script. Cant I?
          What is the best way to do that?
          I am using debian ETch 4.0
          the best way its in the wiki...... here you are the link..

          hopes this your helps...


          • I'm glad to read that this installer works perfect! But when i try to visit the site or try to wget the installer, it says 403 Forbidden.

            Can someone please help me???


            • The server address has changed, please try again.


              • Hi Martin, Hi everyone...
                I have a severe problem here...
                i was trying to finally update our little problem-child we have...
                so i updated using your "howto update an old CVS version"
                everything went very fine until here:
                /opt/open-xchange/sbin/changeuser -c 1 -i 4 --imaplogin testuser -A oxadmin -P secret
                now brings me following error
                user 4 in context 1 could not be changed:
                Server response:
                com.openexchange.admin.rmi.exceptions.PoolExceptio n: DBP-0001 Category=5
                Message=Cannot get connection to config DB. exceptionID=312325054-13

                I understand that the -A oxadmin -P secret seems to be the problem...but i know that i put the right password in the /opt/open-xchange/sbin/oxinstaller line before...
                but i recognized then that it said something about "*** RMI authentication is enabled" and that it would use "oxadminmaster as master account"

                not oxadmin anymore ?
                RMI ?
                please help me, as i think this cannot be a big problem..
                the db still works with the backup of the old open-xchange installation... so thats not the problem...

                For further investigation this is my open-xchange-admin.log.0 from today:

                Thanx Sascha
                Last edited by tafkaz; 09-14-2008, 09:00 PM.


                • solved !

                  solved !
                  I had some fuzz with wrong passwords...
                  But now i have this little problem...
                  Some files cant be reached through a webdav-client (konqueror, davfs2, webdrive), it says "file not found" when i klick on it, but if i login to the web-gui, i can download the file and open it very well...

                  Do you have an idea how to correct this ?

                  Thank you

                  Here's some log that my webdrive client gives out, when trying to access one of those i said...i can open the same file very well through the web-gui of ox !

                  I think the relevant part is this:
                  Download Failed
                  Unable to download \TESTFIRMA\Daten\Test 2006\privat\Testdatei.doc
                  Error=404 Not Found
                  <-- Read \TESTFIRMA\Daten\Test 2006\privat\Testdatei.doc (h=ce2f58, s=STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE (c000000f), off=0, bytes=512, read=0)
                  --> Close (h=ce2f58, noDelay=0)
                  Closing \TESTFIRMA\Daten\Test 2006\privat\Testdatei.doc (h=ce2f58,ccb-modified=no,delayclose=no,fcbmodified=0, uploadOnClose=0)
                  --> CloseInternal \TESTFIRMA\Daten\Test 2006\privat\Testdatei.doc (ccb ce2f58, LastOpenFile=1, TempFile=0)
                  Closed (h=ce2f58)
                  <-- Close (h=ce2f58)
                  Last edited by tafkaz; 09-16-2008, 09:11 AM.


                  • Hi...
                    i filed a bug for this...



                    • Hi,

                      I have tried to make deprecated installer of mail servers work with new Howto guide for deb package. But I am having issue after install like this describe here:

                      I put a part of my install script at the end of same post. (Sorry for posting twice).

                      Any help would be appreciated,



                      PS: I am trying to make Openxchange module for this project:


                      • Hello,

                        is there any additional documentation, describing which additional software is needed, and steps have to be done? I'm trying to get it running with openSuSE 11.1, postfix & cyrus, and especially those two ones need some special handling due to the mysql stuff.

                        Thanks in advance!
                        (And sorry that I did my posting on the non-community-edition area.)


                        • Hi,

                          you could check this documentation:



                          • cvs checkout

                            hello I try to install OX version 6.4 with Community Edition Installer but i can't get source from CVS

                            error :
                            OVHTEST:/tmp# cvs -Q co -r bf_6_4 open-xchange
                            cvs checkout: CVS password file /root/.cvspass does not exist - creating a new file
                            cvs checkout: failed to create lock directory for `/cvsroot/open-xchange/com.openexchange.publish.basic/src/com/openexchange/publish/database' (/cvsroot/open-xchange/com.openexchange.publish.basic/src/com/openexchange/publish/database/#cvs.lock): Permission denied
                            cvs checkout: failed to obtain dir lock in repository `/cvsroot/open-xchange/com.openexchange.publish.basic/src/com/openexchange/publish/database'
                            cvs [checkout aborted]: read lock failed - giving up
                            Can you help me ?


                            • Hi,

                              thanks for the report, we already mentioned that the cvs server is a bit broken at the moment. We'll fix it. Until then, you could use the installation packages:


