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Test post - ignore

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  • nunhead_man
    And my request for a refund and fees to be paid has also been ignored - I said ........

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Good afternoon

    Licence number OX6-SE-SUB-xxxxxxx

    We have been reviewing our position with regard to your software.

    On the plus side you have always been responsive by email and the aspirations you have for your product are engaging.

    On the negative side your software was held out to us to do something it does not do, your documentation was useless, we have spent many fruitless hours trying to get your software to work and you have now handed us off to another supplier who we thought was part of your operation.

    We therefore require ....

    1) A full refund of the money we have paid you without any deductions for banks transfers etc -as the software you have supplied us does not work as instructed or advertised

    2) payment for our testing of your software and provision of advice on documentation as set out on the attached invoice.

    We are of course happy to continue debugging your documentation if you are prepared to agree a contract with a further fee for doing this.

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  • nunhead_man
    OK - 'ere we go ....

    "Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting"

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  • nunhead_man
    Hmmm - may be it is me - trying again ...........

    We are trying to install OX but the instructions given the site, here:

    ... contains many errors and does not work.

    For instance, this part:

    a good idea is to add the Open-Xchange binaries to PATH:

    $ echo PATH=$PATH:/opt/open-xchange/sbin/ >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc

    There is an extra, erroneous space-dot-space after the &&

    Next, this part:

    Now we have to initialize the Open-Xchange configdb database. This can all be done by executing the initconfigdb script.

    $ /opt/open-xchange/sbin/initconfigdb --configdb-pass=db_password -a

    We have no such file as /opt/open-xchange/sbin/initconfigdb on our system.

    So we cannot proceed.

    Previously, on our first, test run, we installed *all* the Open-Xchange packages with a wildcard. This got us slightly further, with a huge waste of space, increase in attack-surface and so on. However, we still could not complete the procedure as described as necessary components were still missing.

    However, getting further through the document revealed additional errors in the instructions, for example...

    This part:

    Important: For MAX_MEMORY_FOR_JAVAVM a rule of thumb for simple installations is half available system memory. For production environments please consult our Sizing Whitepaper.
    $ /opt/open-xchange/sbin/oxinstaller --add-license=YOUR-OX-LICENSE-CODE \--servername=oxserver --configdb-pass=db_password \--master-pass=admin_master_password --ajp-bind-port=localhost--servermemory MAX_MEMORY_FOR_JAVAVM

    Apparently it is "important" to set the right amount of memory, but you do not specify the units to be used. kB? MB? GB? I cannot enter a number without knowing what units! What if I enter 1024 for 1GB of RAM but it is in GB - I will have told my server to use a terabyte of RAM. We don't have that much in all the computers of all the company put together, I think. What if I enter 1, for 1GB, and I assign it 1MB? I suspect that will not work at all.


    Now is a good time to configure the way OX will authenticate to your mail server. Edit the file /opt/open-xchange/etc/ and change the com.openexchange.mail.loginSource to use. This is very important for servers that require your full email address to log in with.

    # adjust com.openexchange.mail.loginSource
    $ vim /opt/open-xchange/etc/

    Apparently, here, $ refers to the admin or root prompt (which of course is normally a hash sign: #

    But # refers to a comment. In a line of commands to type, not in a script! Why?

    Next, the logs:

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log

    # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
    # alert, emerg.
    LogLevel warn

    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

    This does not work. Firstly, the variable {APACHE_LOG_DIR} is undefined.

    I manually hard-coded in the correct path.

    Second, the log files on CentOS are called `error_log` and `access_log`, not `error.log` and `access.log`. That is, underscores not dots.

    With so many errors, the document is nearly useless.

    When can we find the correct information?

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  • nunhead_man
    Originally posted by nunhead_man View Post
    Test post - ignore
    Hmm - and my other post about dire install instructions in English seems to have been censored?

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  • nunhead_man
    started a topic Test post - ignore

    Test post - ignore

    Test post - ignore