Im quite new to OX so sorry if this is a simple question.
When i login to my test user account that i set up i get an authentication error;
with request body
Here is the error log;
I am presuming its my pam conf files.
Is this file correct?
Is there anything else that could be causing authentication to fail?
Server Details
OS: Centos 6.4
UI version: 7.2.2 Rev11
Server version: 7.2.2-Rev13
Installed SW (YUM): http://pastebin.com/VtGip3ux
Java: java version "1.6.0_24" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 (rhel- OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
Thanks in advance
Im quite new to OX so sorry if this is a simple question.
When i login to my test user account that i set up i get an authentication error;
There was an issue in authenticating your E-Mail password. This may be due to a recent password change. To continue please log out now and then log back in with your most current password. (server= | user=testuser@mydomain.com) (ID: -1602433323-110 / MSG-1000) 8/11/2013, 1:52 AM /appsuite/api/mail
{ "action": "all", "folder": "default0/INBOX", "columns": "610,600,601,611", "unseen": "true", "deleted": "true", "sort": "610", "order": "desc", "session": "459e16afdf13498abd3007acc5189a0d" }
I am presuming its my pam conf files.
#%PAM-1.0 auth optional pam_mysql.so host=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock user=openexchange passwd=DBPassword db=oxdatabase_5 [table=user LEFT JOIN user ON user.id=user.id AND user.cid=user.cid] [where=user.cid=1] usercolumn=user.uid passwdcolumn=user.userPassword crypt=1 account required pam_mysql.so host=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock user=openexchange passwd=DBPassword db=oxdatabase_5 [table=user LEFT JOIN user ON user.id=user.id AND user.cid=user.cid] [where=user.cid=1] usercolumn=user.uid passwdcolumn=user.userPassword crypt=1
Is there anything else that could be causing authentication to fail?
Server Details
OS: Centos 6.4
UI version: 7.2.2 Rev11
Server version: 7.2.2-Rev13
Installed SW (YUM): http://pastebin.com/VtGip3ux
Java: java version "1.6.0_24" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 (rhel- OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
Thanks in advance