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Guard in general!!!

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  • philipe
    Thank you;
    I asked myself the question because I read this mention
    Please Note: Open-Xchange has no responsibility for the loss of data and any damage while using OX Guard. Also Open-Xchange is not responsible for the required security key management of OX Guard for the encryption and decryption of data and cannot support any effort to recover encrypted data or security keys.
    thank you in advance

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  • Wolfgang Rosenauer
    Originally posted by philipe View Post
    Thank you for your answers, allow me to ask you other questions:
    1. what is a midelware?
    2. Is there a commercial version for OX GUARD

    thank you in advance
    middleware is the Java application server while frontend is the Javascript Code running in the browser.

    And yes, Guard is a component in the commercial offering of Open-Xchange. Technically it is the same component and no difference in features.

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  • philipe
    Thank you for your answers, allow me to ask you other questions:
    1. what is a midelware?
    2. Is there a commercial version for OX GUARD

    thank you in advance

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  • Wolfgang Rosenauer
    1. The license is the same as for the core part of App Suite: GPLv2 for the middleware and CC-BY-NC-SA.
    2. Guard is developed and maintained by OX
    3. Yes. (Sorry, this question does not have a black/white answer). As long as the user's passphrase is sufficiently secure and the systems holding the keys (OX databases and application servers) are secure, the solution is also safe.
    4. I think it isn't. I also do not think their existence make the solution riskier and an end-to-end crypto solution just between users of the same system does not even make half of sense of the whole product.

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  • philipe
    started a topic Guard in general!!!

    Guard in general!!!

    Hello, I have some questions about OX Guard:
    1. What is the type of license for Open Xchange Guard?
    2. is Open Xchange Guard supported by open xchange team?
    3. Is the solution safe?
    4. Is it possible to disable guest accounts in openxchange Guard? Are they not vulnerabilities to the customer's solution?

    thank you in advance