I have a problem when I try startup the groupware :
start-stop-daemon -vvv --chuid open-xchange
pen-xchange --start --startas /opt/open-xchange/sbin/open-xchange-groupware --make-pidfile --pidfile /var/run/open-xchange-groupware.pid
Starting /opt/open-xchange/sbin/open-xchange-groupware...
start-stop-daemon: Unable to open pidfile `/var/run/open-xchange-groupware.pid' for writing: Permission denied
Any idea ?
Thanks for advance.
I have a problem when I try startup the groupware :
start-stop-daemon -vvv --chuid open-xchange

Starting /opt/open-xchange/sbin/open-xchange-groupware...
start-stop-daemon: Unable to open pidfile `/var/run/open-xchange-groupware.pid' for writing: Permission denied
Any idea ?
Thanks for advance.