but for now i only need a basic configuration for postfix, nothing in special, and what I was able to configure postfix to use ox as to the previous version 6.4, because for me is the best, easiest and most functional, because it is only for about 300 users.
name.2ndname@address.com or name@mycomputer.provider.es
or do you want to use a translation with an external provider
user0300@here.home.es -> name.2ndname@address.com
Next you have to decide if your setup will have its own spam/virus filter and how - local or remote?
When you know how your setup will look like, it is easier to look for howto's in the net that will help you.
The main configuration file for this is in the directory /etc/postfix (depends on your linux distribution) and is called main.cf (for the parameters) and master.cf (for the services). Then you have some funny files access virtual transport and so on. In te basic setup, these files contain the man pages. Read them carefully and you will discover, that these are the files where you have to place the usersetup
access: # email action name.2ndname@address.com OK ugly@nothere.com REJECT # and so on virtual: # nice name (remote) local name name.2ndname@address.com user0300@here.home.es # name is not changed in the header! # and so on transport: # user deliver outgoing emails to name.2ndname@address.com smtp:[mail.address.com]
Then you have to run
postmap access virtual transport
In main.cf you have to set at least
mydomain = home.es myorigin = $mydomain mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain mynetworks =, inet_interfaces = all access_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/access canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
smtpd_helo_required = yes smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination smtpd_sender_restrictions = hash:/etc/postfix/access
Next you have to buy a book and start reading
So much as a first impression of what postfix can do. (left out spam/virus, because this is an other story...)
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