I had a very similar problem, and fixed it by changing the 'sleep 5' parameter in the oxinstaller script to 'sleep 15'.
It seemed like the open-xchange-admin daemon wasn't starting completely before the rest of the script ran. Slowing the script down fixed everything.
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Can't get connection to config DB.
Guest replied
Guest repliedI had the same or nearly the same error and it was the hostname in /etc/host
check if ip and hostname are correct.
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Guest repliedsame os same problem
Hi @ all,
i got the same problem. ox installer sais also the same like @ jonny12. same certificates problem ( i dont know how to resolve ) . cyrus and saslauthd is running. and the adminlog sais connection refused. btw. configdb db_pool has no entries .. .
Please can somebody help ?!.
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Guest repliedhi ,
I had the same problem but after creating the certificates manually an cheked the mysql connector wish didn't have the the good name ..a now a have a the following error :
com.openexchange.admin.plugins.PluginException: com.openexchange.admin.rmi.exceptions.OXUserIMAPEx ception: javax.mail.MessagingException: Connection refused;
nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
Server response:
Authentication failed
setting up the system
creating certificates
Server response:
Authentication failed
configuring ox admin gui
configuring mail system
using mail.example.com as FQHN of the mail server
Server response:
Authentication failed
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Guest repliedPrüf mal ob dein mySQL-Connector auch "mysql-connector-java-3.1.13-bin.jar" heisst und nicht anders lautet.
Das ist die Lösung des Problems oder besser das war bei mir die Lösung des ProblemsLast edited by Guest; 04-11-2007, 08:11 PM.
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Was ist denn mit den Zertifikaten los? Eventuell liegt da mehr im Argen?
caneLast edited by Daniel Halbe; 04-13-2007, 09:03 AM.
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Can't get connection to config DB.
I followed all instructions according the wiki, so far it went very well. But now I get following error useing oxonstaller. It seems to be a connection error to mysql. I tried to connect as user openexchange an it worked, but the rest of
isn't working because the db_pool is empty.
Any Ideas
(OS Opensues 10.2)
# /opt/open-xchange/sbin/oxinstaller --oxdb-pass=pass --admin-pass=pas --test.net -f
initializing database (step 1/2)
Configuring services
setting readUrl in /opt/open-xchange/etc/admindaemon/configdb.properties
setting writeUrl in /opt/open-xchange/etc/admindaemon/configdb.properties
setting readProperty.1 in /opt/open-xchange/etc/admindaemon/configdb.properties
setting readProperty.2 in /opt/open-xchange/etc/admindaemon/configdb.properties
setting writeProperty.1 in /opt/open-xchange/etc/admindaemon/configdb.properties
setting writeProperty.2 in /opt/open-xchange/etc/admindaemon/configdb.properties
setting readUrl in /opt/open-xchange/etc/groupware/configdb.properties
setting writeUrl in /opt/open-xchange/etc/groupware/configdb.properties
setting readProperty.1 in /opt/open-xchange/etc/groupware/configdb.properties
setting readProperty.2 in /opt/open-xchange/etc/groupware/configdb.properties
setting writeProperty.1 in /opt/open-xchange/etc/groupware/configdb.properties
setting writeProperty.2 in /opt/open-xchange/etc/groupware/configdb.properties
(Re)Starting Admin Daemon
initializing database (step 2/2)
Server response:
com.openexchange.admin.exceptions.PoolException: DBP-0001 Category=5 Message=Can't get connection to config DB. exceptionID=-1575865605-5
Server response:
com.openexchange.admin.exceptions.PoolException: DBP-0001 Category=5 Message=Can't get connection to config DB. exceptionID=-1575865605-6
Server response:
com.openexchange.admin.exceptions.PoolException: DBP-0001 Category=5 Message=Can't get connection to config DB. exceptionID=-1575865605-8
setting up the system
creating certificates
Server response:
com.openexchange.admin.exceptions.PoolException: DBP-0001 Category=5 Message=Can't get connection to config DB. exceptionID=-1575865605-10
chmod: cannot access `/etc/ssl/certs/eecert.pem': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access `/etc/ssl/private/eekey.pem': No such file or directory
WARNING: no group ssl-cert found. System might not work.
configuring ox admin gui
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