I've tried installing OX:CE on CentOS 5 using package installer on my test server with no problem (initially there's a few but somehow it's solved). My problem now is when I try to install it on another test server configuration with Tomcat and JBoss running. The setup following guide from http://www.open-xchange.com/wiki/ind...de_for_CentOS5 was successful up to the point of creating a context:
The error I get from shell is:
I've had port conflicts with Tomcat and JBoss initially which I seem to have removed the error messages by modifying the following files:
Then re-starting 'open-xchange-admin', 'open-xchange-groupware', and 'httpd' services.
Here's the attached log files:
I have no problem connecting to DB with mysql command:
Is there any configuration that I could of have left out that need to be done? Any help would be appreciated.
I've tried installing OX:CE on CentOS 5 using package installer on my test server with no problem (initially there's a few but somehow it's solved). My problem now is when I try to install it on another test server configuration with Tomcat and JBoss running. The setup following guide from http://www.open-xchange.com/wiki/ind...de_for_CentOS5 was successful up to the point of creating a context:
/opt/open-xchange/sbin/createcontext -c 1 -A oxadminmaster -P password -N defaultcontext -u oxadmin -d "Context Admin" -g Admin -s User -p password -e admin@abc.com -l en_GB -t Asia/Kuala_Lumpur -q 50 --access-combination-name=all
context 1 could not be created: Error: Connection refused to host: localhost; nested exception is: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
ProxyPass /axis2 ajp:// smax=0 ttl=60 retry=5 ProxyPass /ajax ajp:// smax=0 ttl=60 retry=5 ProxyPass /servlet ajp:// smax=0 ttl=60 retry=5 ProxyPass /infostore ajp:// smax=0 ttl=60 retry=5
Here's the attached log files:
I have no problem connecting to DB with mysql command:
mysql -u openxchange -ppassword openxchange Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 32913 Server version: 5.0.45 Source distribution Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql>