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missing required option --object-link-hostname

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  • Ted
    Guest replied
    Check localhost in /etc/hosts

    I had a similar problem with oxinstaller issuing the hostname -f command, and was fixed by editing my /etc/hosts localhost entry to include the domain info (correctly).

    -f, --fqdn, --long
    Display the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). A FQDN consists
    of a short host name and the DNS domain name. Unless you are
    using bind or NIS for host lookups you can change the FQDN and
    the DNS domain name (which is part of the FQDN) in the
    /etc/hosts file.

    - Ted

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  • Martin Heiland

    what version of the OX packages are you using?


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  • NTX
    Guest started a topic missing required option --object-link-hostname

    missing required option --object-link-hostname

    I am trying to complete the OX configuration on a Centos 5.4 Server. I am getting the Error "missing required option --object-link-hostname" after I run oxinstaller. Can anyone offer assistance? Thank you for your help

    [root@SVR001-linux /]# /opt/open-xchange/sbin/oxinstaller --servername=localhost --configdb-pass=NTXemail --master-pass=NTXEadmin
    hostname: Unknown host
    hostname: Unknown host
    hostname: Unknown host
    hostname: Unknown host
    hostname: Unknown host

    /opt/open-xchange/sbin/oxinstaller currently knows the following parameters:

    Parameter | Default value | Possible values
    --servername | localhost |
    --imapserver | |
    --smtpserver | |
    --imaplogintype | user | user config global
    --configdb-user | openexchange |
    --configdb-pass | NTXemail |
    --configdb-readhost | localhost |
    --configdb-writehost | localhost |
    --configdb-dbname | configdb |
    --servermemory | 512 |
    --adminmemory | 100 |
    --clt-memory | 50 |
    --configdb-readport | 3306 |
    --configdb-writeport | 3306 |
    --tmpdir-path | /tmp |
    --master-pass | NTXEadmin |
    --master-user | oxadminmaster |
    --jkroute | APP1 |
    --ajp-bind-port | * |
    --imap-credentials | user.imapLogin | session user.imapLogin
    --object-link-hostname | |
    --extras-link | http:/// |
    --cache-udp-disc-addr | |
    --cache-udp-disc-port | 6780 |
    --groupware-cache-port | 57461 |
    --admin-cache-port | 57462 |
    --gwsession-cache-port | 58849 |
    --ip-of-oxcluster | |
    --push-udp-disc-port | 9982 |
    --push-outlook-port | 44335 |
    --SesssionContTimeout | 4200000 |
    --NRSessionContainers | 8 |
    --maxSession | 0 |
    --DoubleLoginPerm | true | true false
    --sessionDefLifeTime | 3600000 |
    --disableauth | false | true false


    /opt/open-xchange/sbin/oxinstaller --servername=ox6 --configdb-pass=secret --master-pass=secret

    use -D for Debug mode

    missing required option --object-link-hostname