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Can't get LDAP Auth working

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  • floeschie
    Guest replied
    FYI: I have two databases:
    1. ox6_database (created by me and used in ox setup as parameter for initconfigdb)
    2. ox6_database_6 (created automatically by OX)

    | Tables_in_ox6_database |
    | configdb_sequence      |
    | context                |
    | context_server2db_pool |
    | db_cluster             |
    | db_pool                |
    | filestore              |
    | login2context          |
    | reason_text            |
    | server                 |
    | Tables_in_ox6_database_6             |
    | del_attachment                       |
    | del_contacts                         |
    | del_contacts_image                   |
    | del_date_rights                      |
    | del_dates                            |
    | del_dates_members                    |
    | del_dlist                            |
    | del_groups                           |
    | del_infostore                        |
    | del_infostore_document               |
    | del_oxfolder_permissions             |
    | del_oxfolder_tree                    |
    | del_resource                         |
    | del_task                             |
    | del_task_eparticipant                |
    | del_task_folder                      |
    | del_task_participant                 |
    | del_user                             |
    | filestore_usage                      |
    | groups                               |
    | groups_member                        |
    | ical_ids                             |
    | ical_principal                       |
    | infostore                            |
    | infostore_document                   |
    | infostore_lock                       |
    | infostore_property                   |
    | lock_null                            |
    | lock_null_lock                       |
    | login2user                           |
    | oxfolder_lock                        |
    | oxfolder_permissions                 |
    | oxfolder_property                    |
    | oxfolder_specialfolders              |
    | oxfolder_tree                        |
    | oxfolder_userfolders                 |
    | oxfolder_userfolders_standardfolders |
    | prg_attachment                       |
    | prg_contacts                         |
    | prg_contacts_image                   |
    | prg_contacts_linkage                 |
    | prg_date_rights                      |
    | prg_dates                            |
    | prg_dates_members                    |
    | prg_dlist                            |
    | prg_links                            |
    | reminder                             |
    | resource                             |
    | sequence_attachment                  |
    | sequence_calendar                    |
    | sequence_contact                     |
    | sequence_folder                      |
    | sequence_forum                       |
    | sequence_gid_number                  |
    | sequence_gui_setting                 |
    | sequence_ical                        |
    | sequence_id                          |
    | sequence_infostore                   |
    | sequence_mail_service                |
    | sequence_pinboard                    |
    | sequence_principal                   |
    | sequence_project                     |
    | sequence_reminder                    |
    | sequence_resource                    |
    | sequence_resource_group              |
    | sequence_task                        |
    | sequence_uid_number                  |
    | sequence_webdav                      |
    | task                                 |
    | task_eparticipant                    |
    | task_folder                          |
    | task_participant                     |
    | task_removedparticipant              |
    | user                                 |
    | user_attribute                       |
    | user_configuration                   |
    | user_setting                         |
    | user_setting_admin                   |
    | user_setting_mail                    |
    | user_setting_mail_signature          |
    | user_setting_server                  |
    | user_setting_spellcheck              |
    | vcard_ids                            |
    | vcard_principal                      |
    | version                              |
    Last edited by Guest; 03-17-2009, 01:01 PM.

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  • floeschie
    Guest replied
    FYI: These are the OX packages I installed

    # dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep open-xchange
    ii  open-xchange                            6.8.0-2
    ii  open-xchange-admin                      6.8.0-2
    ii  open-xchange-admin-client               6.8.0-2
    ii  open-xchange-admin-doc                  6.8.0-2
    ii  open-xchange-admin-plugin-hosting       6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-admin-plugin-hosting-doc   6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-authentication-ldap        6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-cache                      6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-charset                    6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-common                     6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-configjump-generic         6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-configread                 6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-control                    6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-conversion                 6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-data-conversion-ical4j     6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-global                     6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-group-managerequest        6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-gui                        6.8.0-4
    ii  open-xchange-i18n                       6.8.0-2
    ii  open-xchange-imap                       6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-jcharset                   1.3.0-35
    ii  open-xchange-mailfilter                 6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-management                 6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-monitoring                 6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-online-help-de             6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-passwordchange-database    6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-passwordchange-servlet     6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-push-udp                   6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-resource-managerequest     6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-server                     6.8.0-2
    ii  open-xchange-sessiond                   6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-settings-extensions        6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-smtp                       6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-spamhandler-default        6.8.0-1
    ii  open-xchange-xml                        6.8.0-1

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  • floeschie
    Guest replied
    FYI: These are my contexts

    # /opt/open-xchange/sbin/listcontext -A oxadminmaster -P verysecretpasswd
    cid fid fname       enabled qmax qused name lmappings
      1   3 1_ctx_store true    1024     0 1    defaultcontext
    I got a hint from cutmasta to change the context name to "defaultcontext" (I did not give a context name during installation using the -N parameter). So this is what I did to change the context name:

    # /opt/open-xchange/sbin/changecontext -A oxadminmaster -P verysecretpasswd -c 1 -N defaultcontext -L defaultcontext
    Now I have:

    # /opt/open-xchange/sbin/listcontext -A oxadminmaster -P verysecretpasswd
    cid fid fname       enabled qmax qused name           lmappings
      1   3 1_ctx_store true    1024     0 defaultcontext defaultcontext
    Last edited by Guest; 03-17-2009, 12:30 PM.

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  • floeschie
    Guest replied
    FYI: These are the slapd log entries produced by ldapsearch and OX6

    # LDAP entries from ldapsearch
    slapd[26657]: conn=316171 fd=29 ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
    slapd[26657]: conn=316171 op=0 BIND dn="uid=myuser,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=de" method=128
    slapd[26657]: conn=316171 op=0 BIND dn="uid=myuser,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=de" mech=SIMPLE ssf=0
    slapd[26657]: conn=316171 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
    slapd[26657]: conn=316171 op=1 SRCH base="uid=myuser,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=de" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(objectClass=*)"
    slapd[26657]: conn=316171 op=1 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
    slapd[26657]: conn=316171 op=2 UNBIND
    slapd[26657]: conn=316171 fd=29 closed
    # LDAP entries from OX6 CE
    slapd[26657]: conn=316174 fd=29 ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
    slapd[26657]: conn=316174 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128
    slapd[26657]: conn=316174 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
    slapd[26657]: conn=316174 op=1 BIND dn="uid=myuser,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=de" method=128
    slapd[26657]: conn=316174 op=1 BIND dn="uid=myuser,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=de" mech=SIMPLE ssf=0
    slapd[26657]: conn=316174 op=1 RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
    slapd[26657]: conn=316174 op=2 UNBIND
    slapd[26657]: conn=316174 fd=29 closed

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  • floeschie
    Guest replied
    FYI, This is what my ldapauth.conf looks like:
    Last edited by Guest; 03-17-2009, 10:58 AM.

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  • floeschie
    Guest started a topic Can't get LDAP Auth working

    Can't get LDAP Auth working

    Hi everybody,

    I installed OX6 CE on Ubuntu Hardy Server and so far no problems, OX6 starts up and I can see the login screen. However, I installed the LDAP Auth plugin and I can see OX6 contacting LDAP in the LDAP-Logs, yet I get a "Login incorrect" message from OX6...

    For further details please see also my posts here.

    I took a look at the source code of the LDAP Auth plugin and saw that the error message I get is thrown when an InvalidNameException (?) or an AuthenticationException accours, but no loggin there...

    Username and/or passwort are definetly correct I typed it in slow motion...

    Any help (german/english) very welcome!
