I had a running installation on Ubuntu using the packages that was working fine.
I recently upgraded the packages with the Update Manager and am now unable to login and get the following error:-
Error: Cannot get connection to database. (CTX-0005, -1186469834-22)
Looking at the config files, it looks like the etc/admindeamon/configdb file was replaced with the default. I have put the correct mysql password back in that file but still get the same error. Is there a command I should use to ensure that the correct mysql password is used by OX?
I had a running installation on Ubuntu using the packages that was working fine.
I recently upgraded the packages with the Update Manager and am now unable to login and get the following error:-
Error: Cannot get connection to database. (CTX-0005, -1186469834-22)
Looking at the config files, it looks like the etc/admindeamon/configdb file was replaced with the default. I have put the correct mysql password back in that file but still get the same error. Is there a command I should use to ensure that the correct mysql password is used by OX?