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OX Installer Problem with MySQL

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  • kwelong
    Guest replied
    Your problem could be due to the bug in oxinstaller. Last night I went through the oxinstaller script, and discovered a few mistakes in the script. You can try the following to see if it solves your authentication issue.

    Open /opt/open-xchange/sbin/oxinstaller:
    1. Replace alll oxadminmaster with oxadmin
    2. Change addmaildomain command parameter from
    addmaildomain -A oxadmin -P "$OXDB_PASS"
    addmaildomain -A oxadmin -P "$OXADMIN_PASS"
    3. Change createcertificate command parameter from
    createcertificate -A oxadmin -P "$OXDB_PASS"
    createcertificate -A oxadmin -P "$OXADMIN_PASS"
    4. Change modifymailconfig command parameter from
    modifymailconfig -A oxadmin -P "$OXDB_PASS"
    modifymailconfig -A oxadmin -P "$OXADMIN_PASS"

    Please note that createcontext command parameter is correct and do not need to be modifiied: createcontext -A oxadmin -P "$OXDB_PASS"

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  • Sneeper
    Guest replied
    I have no problem connecting to MySQL without a password.

    But I'm guessing that something in the oxinstaller script must see some file someplace and thus know that it has been run before and then attempts to login with openexchange and a password instead of creating the user and password.

    The first time I ran oxinstaller I could login to MySQL with user openexchange and the password, but not with oxadmin. And I have yet to be able to successfully run the createuser script. It has never worked in all my attempts over the past week.

    The GUI appears to be working, but when I try to login with either user openexchange or oxadmin it trys to connect and then I get a 503 error.

    I'm running the latest Ubuntu LAMP server install and other than installing the Gnome desktop and configuring Cups and Samba to work haven't touched anything excpect the work to try and get Open Exchange working.

    I've been try to get a solution to share contacts on our local LAN since January, with no luck at all. First tried Debian and OpenGroupware, but that was no better and so after many many months of frustration still don't have anything to show for it.

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  • neo
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Sneeper View Post
    The very first time I ran OX Installer several days ago it seemed to work. But I couldn't create a user. Kept getting a error message about not being able to connect to the Config DB.

    Looking at MySQL through a MySQLAdmin GUI package that I managed to find showed that the openexchange user had both a "localhost" and a "%" host, but the oxadmin user only has a "%" host. So I attemped to add "localhost" with the same privilages as openexchange, and while that appeared to work from the MySQL perspective I was still getting the same error when I tried the /opt/open-xchange/sbin/createuser.

    So I dropped the openexchange & oxadmin users and the configdb database and tried the Oxinstaller again. This time I'm getting the following error;

    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'openexchange'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    What do I have to do to start this cleanly again? What other files do I have to delete?
    Do you have the correct password in the config scripts?
    And did you follow the instructions on the wiki? Except the step for mySQL setup?

    Try to test to connect to the mysql-DB via the console....
    The root user has to have the permission to connect without a password (hope this will change) and the oxadmin user has to have a password.

    greetz neo

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  • Sneeper
    Guest started a topic OX Installer Problem with MySQL

    OX Installer Problem with MySQL

    The very first time I ran OX Installer several days ago it seemed to work. But I couldn't create a user. Kept getting a error message about not being able to connect to the Config DB.

    Looking at MySQL through a MySQLAdmin GUI package that I managed to find showed that the openexchange user had both a "localhost" and a "%" host, but the oxadmin user only has a "%" host. So I attemped to add "localhost" with the same privilages as openexchange, and while that appeared to work from the MySQL perspective I was still getting the same error when I tried the /opt/open-xchange/sbin/createuser.

    So I dropped the openexchange & oxadmin users and the configdb database and tried the Oxinstaller again. This time I'm getting the following error;

    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'openexchange'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    What do I have to do to start this cleanly again? What other files do I have to delete?