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Repeat events only show first occurrence in Lighting

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  • Repeat events only show first occurrence in Lighting

    Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
    OX 6.16.0 Rev 4

    Thunderbird 3.03 / Lightning 1.01b
    OXtender for Thunderbird 1.6.0-RC1-TB3

    A sync with the calendar in OX is successful and all appointments are transferred.

    However, in Lighting repeat events only show the first occurrence whereas on OX, all occurrences show.

    This happens regardless of whether the series is created on OX or in Lighting, and regardless of any modifications made on either end.

  • #2

    does this happen for all recurring appointments? Can you reproduce if it happens also for daily recurring appointment? Maybe just one recurring type is affected.

    Can you give me more informations about your recurring appointments.

    Best regards,


    • #3

      Created the following events, results are:

      Title: Daily test
      Repeat: Daily
      Result in Lightning: Appears as a daily event for every day from start date to end of event date month
      Result in OX: Appears as daily event for all days from start date until end date

      Title: Weekly test
      Repeate: Weekly
      Result in Lightning: Appears as a weekly event for each week from start date to end of event date month
      Result in OX: Appears as weekly event for all weeks from start date until end date

      Title: Monthly test
      Repeat: Monthly
      Result in Lightning: Appears as monthly event existing only on start date
      Result in OX: Appears as monthly event for all months from start date until end date

      Title: Annual test
      Repeat: Annual
      Result in Lightning: Appears as annual event existing only on start date
      Result in OX: Appears as annual event for all years from start date until end date

      Results are identical regardless of whether the appointment is created in OX or Lightning. Note that events created in either application are always incorrect in Lightning but correct in OX; so a missing occurrence in Lightning shows correctly in OX, regardless of which application created it.

      Interestingly, recurring appointments otherwise missing in following months do appear in the shaded "next month" part of the current month view, but not in the full month view. For example, a daily appointment created starting 14th April 2010 shows up on the "next month/shaded" 1st of May 2010 when viewing April in month view, but the entry does not appear in the whole month view of May. The reverse is also true; events that appear in the month view for April up to 30th April do not show up in the shaded "last days of april" part of the May month view.

      Repeating events only fill to the end of the month in which the event was created, not to the end of the current month. So if the current date is 15th April and I create a repeat event starting on 10th March, it will fill to the end of March, nothing will appear in April.
      Last edited by pborg; 04-01-2010, 01:20 PM.


      • #4
        Anyone any ideas? Makes OX/Lightning pretty much useless as a combination for our organisation - have several hundred recurring appointments across the year that aren't getting synchronised properly.


        • #5
          same things here. TB/L does not display my repeating events.

          Fedora 11:
          - TB 3.0.4
          - Lightning 1.0b2pre
          - OXtender4TB 1.6.0RC2 (checked with all previous versions too)

          - TB 3.0.4
          - Lightning 1.0b1
          - OXtender4TB 1.6.0RC2

          Please request further informations if needed.


          • #6

            I tried to reproduce this problem on my Test- and on my Workingsystem. I added many recurring appointments (weekly, monthly and yearly) and the appointments are shown correctly. So one thing you can test is to deactivate the OXtender and create an recurring appointment in your personal Calendar of your Thunderbird. Is there the same problem that the recurring appointment is only shown until the end of the month? Which timezone do you have configured in your Lightning configuration?

            Best regards,


            • #7
              I can successfully create repeating events of any kind in a personal calendar regardless of whether or not the OXtender is enabled. Events always appear correctly in personal calendars.

              My timezone in both Lightning and OX6 web interface is Europe/London.


              • #8
                Bump. Just upgraded OX6 to 6.16.1 rev 3, no change, still no repeats past month end in TB/L (not sure why upgrading OX6 would make a difference but thought I'd let you know...!)


                • #9

                  can you do the following test. Create a new calendar in you Open-Xchange Web Interface and add one daily recurring appointment in your new calendar folder. Then delete all OX-calendars from your Thunderbird and add a new local calendar that subscribed the newly created calendar folder.

                  Is there still the same problem?

                  Best regards,


                  • #10
                    I tested the recurring appointment in your timezone "Europe/London" but still no luck, the recurring appointment is correctly shown in my Thunderbird on all views and in all months.

                    There is another test that you can do. Can you try to create a new user on you OX and test with a new Thunderbird profile. Maybe the problem is caused by a broken recurring appointment on your system. If you do this test check if this new user really only see his appointments and not appointments from other shared folders. So that the broken appointments get synched and cause the same problem.


                    • #11
                      Ok, I created a brand new OX6 user, created a new Vista user and configured Thunderbird with Lightning and

                      Created a new calendar in T/L linked to OX6.

                      Logged in to OX6, created a weekly appointment, shows correctly in OX6. Appointment synced to T/L but only shows to end of month.

                      Basically, exactly the same result. Definitely not accessing shared remote calendar or any other appointment.

                      I think everything's functioning fine with the sync; it seems it's the display of events in T/L that's screwy as events created in T/L appear incorrectly even if no sync has ever taken place (for example, no network connection).

                      Created a weekly appointment in T/L, only shows to end of month. Synced to OX6, shows correctly in OX6.


                      • #12
                        I guess you're right. It doesn't have something to do with the sync. But if it is only the display that is wrong I don't know why this problem doesn't occur if you create an appointment in a normal Thunderbird calendar. Do you still have the "Privat" Thunderbird calendar? Do you have any other Thunderbird Addons installed that maybe have something to do with this problem?


                        • #13
                          Yes, there is still a private calendar. This still shows appointments correctly. On the off-chance that the local calendar might be confusing it somehow I deleted it - no dice.

                          On my personal install, yes, many add-ons. On the test account I created as per last post Lightning is the only add-on installed. Same result both times.


                          • #14
                            Just to let you know, did a fresh install of a machine today, still have same problem on:

                            Windows 7 Ultra (fully updated)
                            TB 3.0.4
                            Lightinning 1.0b1
                            OXT4TB 1.6.0-0


                            • #15
                              I've just installed a nightly build ( TB3, 28-May-2010 17:36 ) and my repeating events appear in TB/Ligthning

                              Thanks for your work sebastian!

