Open-Xchange releases Open-Xchange v6.22.1

Open-Xchange is pleased to announce the release of Open-Xchange Server v6.22.1.

This update includes new versions of:
  • Open-Xchange Server 6 (OX6), the common basis for OX HE (Hosting Edition) and OX SE (Server Edition)

This release provides improvements to the user interface and bug fixes. A detailed description of all new features can be seen at

Please Note:
  • Open-Xchange will discontinue support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and CentOS 5 with v6.22.1. As users of RHEL 5 and CentOS 5 we encourage you to update to the latest operating system versions.
  • With the release of 6.22.1 Open-Xchange will also discontinue support for Windows Vista for OXtender 2 for Microsoft Outlook.
  • With this release Open-Xchange will support Microsoft Internet Explorer 10

Shipped packages and versions:

Open-Xchange Server 6 (OX6)
Version: Open-Xchange Server 6 (Version: v6.22.1 Rev 6 built 2012-11-14)
The version number is the same for the groupware server and the groupware front-end.
When reporting bugs, please make sure to include this version number in your bug report.
The version number can be found in:
a) the Login dialog
b) the about dialog (Question mark icon in the upper right -> About)

Complete Release Notes:

For update and Installation of Open-Xchange to v6.22.1 (Hosting Edition & Server Edition) please follow the instructions given at: to install the updates.