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Open-Xchange releases OX Mail App v2.16.0 for Android and Apple iOS

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  • Open-Xchange releases OX Mail App v2.16.0 for Android and Apple iOS

    Open-Xchange releases OX Mail App v2.16.0 for Android and Apple iOS

    Open-Xchange is pleased to announce the release of OX Mail App v2.16.0 for Android and Apple iOS.

    OX Mail App is a native mobile app built specifically for smartphone and tablet users who already have a valid OX App Suite account. The OX Mail app, for Android and Apple iOS, provides fast and robust email access on both smartphones and tablets. It is designed to work seamlessly with OX App Suite.

    OX Mail App v2.16.0 for Apple iOS - Main Improvements:
    • Restricted Access to the OX Mail App for Apple iOS
      You can now restrict access to the app itself when only passcode protection is configured.
    • Security improvements and bug fixes
    OX Mail App v2.16.0 for Android - Main Improvements:
    • Improved Secondary Accounts Management in the Android App
      The OX Mail App lets users view existing external email accounts that have been configured in OX App Suite. This is in addition to their primary account. The OX Mail App not only displays emails from external accounts but it also lets users work with them as usual (forward, reply, delete etc.). With this new release you can now easier add and manage secondary accounts in the Android App.
    • Improved Thread Handling in the Android App
      With OX Mail App v2.16, you can now delete or move individual messages from within an email conversation in the Android App.
    • Performance Improvements for the Android App
      Message loading has been optimized, the OX Mail v2.16 for Android is overall now more responsive.
    • Security improvements and bug fixes.
    Shipped packages and versions
    • Open-Xchange Mail App v2.16.0 for Android
    • Open-Xchange Mail App v2.16.0 for Apple iOS
    For further details relating to download & install, branding, push setup & configuration, please refer to the documentation provided at: