I want to use original loginpage.
So, I installed easylogin bundle and I tested this with samplecode.
(below link)
But, it can't work. Use Sample code , write ID&PASS and then push submit
button. Then it redirect to OX's originalloginpage.
When My browser URL is indicated 'http://oxserver/ox6/ox.html#session=4c739f20b833499fbaa90f349bb151c0'.
So,How can I use easylogin bundle?
I want to use original loginpage.
So, I installed easylogin bundle and I tested this with samplecode.
(below link)
But, it can't work. Use Sample code , write ID&PASS and then push submit
button. Then it redirect to OX's originalloginpage.
When My browser URL is indicated 'http://oxserver/ox6/ox.html#session=4c739f20b833499fbaa90f349bb151c0'.
So,How can I use easylogin bundle?