i have got the same problem
how did you fix that? :-)
tanks you very much
best regards chris
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cannot find context
cannot find context
Hello, after setting ldapauth.properties this error appears on my screen at login with user@intranet.com:
"Error: Cannot find context "intranet.com". (CTX-0010, 282037744-50)."
Seems that OX recognize the user because if I put an incorrect password
the error changes to the following:
Login failed. Please check your user name and password and try again.
my ldapauth.properties:
# This file contains the configuration for the ldap authentication.
# URL of the LDAP server to connect to for authenticating users.
# ldaps is supported.
java.naming.provider.url=ldap://, dc=com
# Defines the authentication security that should be used.
# Timeouts are useful to get quick responses for login requests. This timeout is
# used if a new connection is established.
# This timeout only works since Java 6 SE to time out waiting for a response.
# This attribute is used login. E.g. uid=<login>,baseDN
# This is the base distinguished name where the user are located.
# If you do not want to pass on the user id, used for authentication, to the
# groupware but another field entry of the LDAP user object, then you can
# specify the field here.
# set subtreeSearch to true if the user entries are not directly below the
# baseDN, and e.g. distributed over one or more subtrees.
# The bindDN to authenticate the user will then determined using a search
# over the complete tree below baseDN
# NOTE: When two users exist with the same uidAttribute, authentication
# will be refused, though.
# specify the filter to limit the search of user entries (used in combination with
# subtreeSearch=true.
# the filter will be ANDed with the attributed specified in uidAttribute.
# Example:
# (&(objectclass=posixAccount)(uid=foo))
# if your LDAP server does not allow to do searches without any authentication,
# specify a dn here to bind in order to search (used in combination with
# subtreeSearch=true).
bindDN=cn=admin, dc=intranet, dc=com
# the password required for the bindDN
any suggestion?Last edited by Guest; 04-27-2010, 03:26 PM.Tags: None
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