I'm using OX SE 6.10 with Cyrus 2.3 and I noticed that a "test" folder is created (and immediately deleted) in the user inbox for each user login in order to test for the "mbox" feature.
For example:
CREATE INBOX/1251905076703
LIST "" INBOX/1251905076703
LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX/1251905076703"
DELETE INBOX/1251905076703
The problem is that with Cyrus this behaviour leads to a number of junk folders kept for some period due to the "delayed expunge" feature of Cyrus...
After some code inspection I found that the IMAPDefaultFolderChecker.checkDefaultFolders(Strin g) (in particular, the new IMAPCommandsCollection.supportsFolderType method) is responsible for the creation/deletion of those temporary folders.
With previous OX version, using the com.openexchange.imap.mboxEnable I can manually turn on/off the mbox support, but with OX 6.10 the mbox "must be" always automatically detected.
Could mbox auto-detection mechanism be improved in the next OX version?
For example allowing the administrator to turn on/off mbox by property (as previous OX versions), or deducing mbox support from imap server type or something else.
Thanks for your work!
For example:
CREATE INBOX/1251905076703
LIST "" INBOX/1251905076703
LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX/1251905076703"
DELETE INBOX/1251905076703
The problem is that with Cyrus this behaviour leads to a number of junk folders kept for some period due to the "delayed expunge" feature of Cyrus...
After some code inspection I found that the IMAPDefaultFolderChecker.checkDefaultFolders(Strin g) (in particular, the new IMAPCommandsCollection.supportsFolderType method) is responsible for the creation/deletion of those temporary folders.
With previous OX version, using the com.openexchange.imap.mboxEnable I can manually turn on/off the mbox support, but with OX 6.10 the mbox "must be" always automatically detected.
Could mbox auto-detection mechanism be improved in the next OX version?
For example allowing the administrator to turn on/off mbox by property (as previous OX versions), or deducing mbox support from imap server type or something else.
Thanks for your work!