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Adding frst user problem

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  • xiao
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Martin Braun View Post
    just append a "&" to the command to make it run in the background

    About the GUI problem: Well, i suppose this is broken at the moment because of some major redesign of the underlaying rendering stuff. This will cause great performance win but it is in full development at the moment. To see what is going on, i propose to instlall firebug (

    The GUI will be OK with the next CVS checkout i guess.

    ok .thanks.. but watches:
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  • Stefan Preuss
    Have you tried to clean your browser cache? We are using a new HTML Editor, so I assume it's a caching problem. Otherwise please install Firebug and check for any JS Errors. Thanks.

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  • Martin Heiland
    just append a "&" to the command to make it run in the background

    About the GUI problem: Well, i suppose this is broken at the moment because of some major redesign of the underlaying rendering stuff. This will cause great performance win but it is in full development at the moment. To see what is going on, i propose to instlall firebug (

    The GUI will be OK with the next CVS checkout i guess.


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  • xiao
    Guest replied
    hey Martin, now I have a problem with the GUI;
    when I do /opt/open-xchange/sbin/open-xchange-groupware in the console remains as with blockade, watches:

    servidor3:/home/administrador# /opt/open-xchange/sbin/open-xchange-groupware /opt/open-xchange /home/administrador

    thus it remains and I cannot work but in that console.

    now I go away to my navigator and open-xchange-GUI enter I put my user to him and password, I enter my account and up to here well, when I give click him in new message remains loading, it watches well:
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  • Martin Heiland
    Well, have a lot of fun

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  • xiao
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Martin Braun View Post
    At this point, the org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.lateral.LateralCacheResto re can be ignored, it is much more critical that the /servlet path is not found. Did you already applied the apache2 configuration i posted? The problem with:


    shows up very clear, the server tries to access /ox.html/servlet where /servlet is required.
    hiii I solved my problem, that error that mentions was caused because tapeworm tomcat installed… the solution to clear tomcat and ready ..... ox working…. thanks Martin

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  • Martin Heiland
    At this point, the org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.lateral.LateralCacheResto re can be ignored, it is much more critical that the /servlet path is not found. Did you already applied the apache2 configuration i posted? The problem with:


    shows up very clear, the server tries to access /ox.html/servlet where /servlet is required.

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  • xiao
    Guest replied
    after trying to enter groupware GUI (without success) it watches log of oxadmin, and I could see this:

    19/07/2007 02:35:44 PM org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.lateral.LateralCacheResto re canFix
    GRAVE: Can't fix Can't fix Socket is null, cannot connect to
    Last edited by Guest; 07-19-2007, 04:38 PM.

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  • xiao
    Guest replied
    [QUOTE=Martin Braun;2331]ehm, is the groupware daemon running? Has apache (mod_jk) been configured correctly? You can do a quicktest for the servlets by calling 
    This should return a version string (0 in most cases) but if it does not procude a 404 or 500 the groupware server is running correctly. A 404 occurs when the servlet is not reachable - most likely because the groupware is not running and/or the webserver ajp connection is not configured correctly.

    i noticed that you are using a subdirectory for the groupware-gui, could you try to access

    To avoid this you can either build the gui to the wwroot directory or use a rewrite rule for apache2:

            <Directory /var/www/>
                    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                    AllowOverride None
                    Order allow,deny
                    allow from all
                    RedirectMatch ^/$ /ox/

    martin see this,
    in the bar of directions of my navegardor I wrote:

    and the answer is:

    Not Found

    The requested URL /ox.html/servlet/webdav.version was not found on this server.
    Apache/2.2.3 (Debian) mod_jk/1.2.23 mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.4.4 PHP/4.4.4-9 mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/v5.8.8 Server at servidor3 Port 80

    a question: since I make to do this that you say?

    To avoid this you can either build the gui to the wwroot directory or use a rewrite rule for apache2:


    <Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all
    RedirectMatch ^/$ /ox/

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  • Martin Heiland
    Sorry i was unable to understand what you want to do

    Do you want to set the timezone to America/Bogota?

    America/Bogota is already the correct value for that timezone.

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  • xiao
    Guest replied
    a small question, that I must put in timezone so that I have left in Bogota?
    then they watch as I put it
    servidor3:/# /opt/open-xchange/sbin/createuser -A oxadmin -P ***** --username spartannitro --displayname "leonardof" --password invecil --email --givenname leonardo --surname forero --language en_US [COLOR="Blue"]--timezone America/Bogota[/COLOR] --department Systemas --company "Servioptica" -c 1
    and this were the answer:

    servidor3:/home/administrador# /opt/open-xchange/sbin/createuser -A oxadmin -P ***** --username spartannitro --displayname "leonardof" --password invecil --email --givenname leonardo --surname forero --language en_US --timezone America/Bogota --department Systemas --company "Servioptica" -c 1 1 1[ a" -c 1mpany "Servioptica" -c 1rvioptica" -c 1c 1c 1" -c 1ica" -c 1" -c 1c 1
      Extension IMAPExtension contains: 
      OXUserIMAPExtension ( com.openexchange.admin.rmi.extensions.OXUserIMAPExtension@a0dcd9
      imapQuota = null
      contextadmin: false
      id: 4
      username: spartannitro
      passwordMech: CRYPT
      aliases: []
      sur_name: forero
      given_name: leonardo
      enabled: true
      company: Servioptica
      department: Systemas
      display_name: leonardof
      language: en_US
      password_expired: false
      [COLOR="Blue"]timezone: sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="America/Bogota",offset=-18000000,dstSavings=0,useDaylight=false,transitions=5,lastRule=null]
    please it tell me since I do so that timezone is in Bogota (Colombia, South America) (that is to say, as I must write it).
    Last edited by Guest; 07-19-2007, 02:58 PM.

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  • xiao
    Guest replied
    also it tries to enter cyrus-imap and it watches:

    servidor3:/home/administrador# cyradm -u oxadmin localhost
    IMAP Password:

    password uses he himself that uses with oxinstaller. but because if I could enter cyrrus-imap and at the time of creating the user I cannot?

    oppss the solved problem to…. it does not watch that pass that it was giving oxadmin when the user created he was bad ....... thousand excuses.
    Last edited by Guest; 07-19-2007, 02:40 PM.

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  • Martin Heiland
    ehm, is the groupware daemon running? Has apache (mod_jk) been configured correctly? You can do a quicktest for the servlets by calling
    This should return a version string (0 in most cases) but if it does not procude a 404 or 500 the groupware server is running correctly. A 404 occurs when the servlet is not reachable - most likely because the groupware is not running and/or the webserver ajp connection is not configured correctly.

    i noticed that you are using a subdirectory for the groupware-gui, could you try to access

    To avoid this you can either build the gui to the wwroot directory or use a rewrite rule for apache2:

            <Directory /var/www/>
                    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                    AllowOverride None
                    Order allow,deny
                    allow from all
                    RedirectMatch ^/$ /ox/
    Last edited by Martin Heiland; 07-19-2007, 02:33 PM.

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  • xiao
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Martin Braun View Post
    Well, the important place is:
    GRAVE: Admin authentication:
    com.openexchange.admin.rmi.exceptions.InvalidCrede ntialsException: Authentication failed for user oxadmin

    this means that the credentials for user oxadmin are not valid. The "createuser" script uses the RMI interface to add a user, this operation needs to be authenticated which fails here. Are you sure you use the correct password? Did you try to login to the groupware as oxadmin and you oxadmin password?
    mmm it tries to enter groupware as oxadmin and watches:
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  • Martin Heiland
    Well, the important place is:
    GRAVE: Admin authentication:
    com.openexchange.admin.rmi.exceptions.InvalidCrede ntialsException: Authentication failed for user oxadmin

    this means that the credentials for user oxadmin are not valid. The "createuser" script uses the RMI interface to add a user, this operation needs to be authenticated which fails here. Are you sure you use the correct password? Did you try to login to the groupware as oxadmin and you oxadmin password?

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